Telegram has been in the industry for almost a decade and it has proven to be an effective way to communicate safely and privately. With its end-to-end encryption feature, its users can easily access their chats across all their devices without having to expose their identity to anyone. This ensures security and anonymity for everyone while in the app. The app also offers a self-destruct button to delete the entire messaging history when deemed necessary to prevent unwanted conversation leakage.
By and large, Telegram is one of the many applications that has played an essential role in maintaining online security in this technology-dependent world. But in some countries, Telegram remains inaccessible due to government bans. For this matter, using a good Virtual Private Network service or a VPN is the best solution.
How a VPN helps unblock Telegram
With a VPN, users can help bypass internet blocks and are given unrestricted access to Telegram from anywhere in the world.
Simply by digging up a tunnel right between the user and the remote server, a VPN reroutes the user’s internet traffic to a secret pathway before it reaches its destination. Through the tunnel, encryption occurs, making the user’s identity and location hidden from the authorities. This process allows the user to pass through geographical blocks without getting detected. A VPN also adds another layer of protection for the users so that no one can intercept the user’s private conversation—not even their own Internet Service Provider or ISP.
Here are three of the best free VPN services for Telegram this 2021:
1. ExpressVPN
With over 160 server locations around the globe, it is easy to find a nearby and stable connection to help with bypassing government-implemented internet restrictions. Its military-grade security feature will also help with keeping a user’s identity and personal information safe and private while using Telegram. This makes a safer communication among users.
Get ExpressVPN free for 30 days on the first trial.
2. DotVPN
Unblock Telegram and keep private chats really private via DotVPN. With 700 strategically distributed virtual servers, anyone can access any blocked applications from anywhere in the world. A user’s identity will also remain anonymous thanks to its 4096-bit key encryption that makes one’s online privacy protected, even from professional hackers.
For starters, download the DotVPN app and get a 30-day free trial upon subscription.
3. GoingVPN
Get a lifetime free VPN service by connecting to GoingVPN. Like any premium service, it offers military-grade data encryption that secures a user’s internet traffic and hides one’s identity from a third-party agent. Plus, it has over thirty server locations around the world that can help circumvent any internet restrictions. Send Telegram messages risk-free by downloading the GoingVPN app.
Check out to learn more.
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