Liv Nelson Launches Indiegogo Campaign to Create Perspectives

Perspectives is a short USC Graduate Thesis film: Set at a college party, Perspectives tells the story of an alleged sexual assault seen through the different points of view of four main characters: the victim, the perpetrator, the victim’s friend, and a frat guy. Each version supports and contradicts each other in different ways, leaving the police to piece together what really happened.

A thesis film about an extremely important social issue, Perspectives is intended to create a discussion around the topic of sexual assault and pose the question, “Why does the justice system, more often than not, fail the victim?”  

By weaving social issues into the narratives of films, writer/director Liv Nelson has found this to be a successful way to reach people. “Films have the ability to move people in ways they otherwise wouldn’t be moved. A single film can influence an individual’s opinion and teach an entire nation. The power of film is undeniable.”

The Indiegogo campaign, located on the web at–3, offers pledge levels from $1 to $1000, with rewards including:

• $1 – Copy of blooper reel

• $10 – Added shout out on Facebook

• $25 – Added digital movie poster

• $50 – Added digital access to the final cut

• $100 – Added “Behind the Scenes” shared drive

• $250 – Added signed script and name on final credits

• $500 – Added Skype Q&A and a handwritten thank you letter

• $1000 – Added Executive Producer credit and signed copy of movie poster

About Perspectives:  

Perspectives is a USC Graduate Thesis film about the important social issue of sexual assault and the aftermath, seen through the various perspectives of four different characters.

Media Contact
Company Name: USC School of Cinematic Arts
Contact Person: Liv Nelson
Country: United States