An Effective Outdoor Pest Control Agent for Lawns and Gardens
Belidan Solar Mole and Snake Repeller is a new product that has proven effective against rodents like mice, moles, voles, gophers, ground hogs and snakes. It can be deployed on lawns, gardens, farms and open areas that have soil or pest infestation. It is safe to use and works by employing sonic vibrations which scares pests and makes the environment uncomfortable for them.
The Belidan Solar Mole and Snake Repeller is an environmentally-friendly product powered by an in-built solar battery that can charge up using solar energy and issues sonic vibrations that cover an effective range of close to 6,700 square feet. The vibrations make the underground soil layer unfriendly for pests.
The Belidan Solar Mole and Snake Repeller can charge up enough power to last up to a week in some instance and can store power even when there is little sunshine available. This product is eco-friendly and safe and there is no known harm on the pests, children or the person applying it. Belidan Solar Mole and Snake Repeller simply drives pest away using its vibrating sonic feature.
This product is built using the highest quality of materials and standards to ensure durability and optimum efficiency during use. The Belidan Solar Mole and Snake Repellerhas a super effective 1.2 V AA battery and solar panel that is wireless and water-resistant. It can be left outside with no danger of being spoilt by rain or other harsh weather conditions. This all-weather feature is one major advantage it has over several other alternatives.
The Belidan repeller spike generates underground sonic pulses, causing vibrations in the soil even in any weather condition. Pests, snakes and other underground rodents will have no option but to seek safety and leave the area because the vibrations are perceived as a threat by them. The Belidan Solar Mole and Snake Repeller is a major eco-friendly product that advocates the use of more humane methods that are also effective in pest control. It is backed by a 30 day, money-back guarantee with 1 full year replacement warranty should there be any defect.
The Belidan Solar Mole and Snake Repeller is a perfect gift as the product is also flower shaped andcomes in a two-in-one pack. Avail yourself of a crazy discounted price using the link below:
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Media Contact
Company Name: Belidan Solar Mole and Snake Repeller
Contact Person: Alberto Remigio Bussolin
Phone: +1 844 674 4408
Country: United States