Hollywood is not Kansas, Dorothy. In spite of endless cultural references on the contrary. It isn’t the land of Oz either. Director Timothy Hines (10 Days In A Madhouse – the Nellie Bly Story, War of the Worlds The True Story, Sean Young Authorized Documentary) has written a tell-all book about the real unvarnished workings of and the trecherous pitfalls of the movie industry.
“Working with movie star Sean Young on the new intimate documentary i am directing about her life,” says director Timothy Hines, “I sometimes take pause at some of the things she has experienced. From Harvey Weinstein exposing himself to her, to director’s firing her for not going to bed with them, Ms. Young has seen it all in Hollywood.
I will never forget,” continues Hines, “when movie star Kelly Le Brock appeared on NBC’s Family channel to in-part, promote my movie that she was playing in, they asked her what it was like returning to film after an extended hiatus. Quick witted Le Brock retorted, ‘Well, it was the first film I worked on that I didn’t have to sleep with the director to get hired.’ I laughed when I saw the video of the show but in light of current Hollywood, Kelly’s joke has darker undertones. Another time I introduced an up coming star of one of my movies to a Hollywood producer. He was all charm. She excused herself at one point and as she was walking away, I said, ‘She’s very talented.” To which he replied, ‘But she’ll have to get rid of that fat ass.’ In a beat I realized he was serious. The actress in question weighed two rolls of wet paper towel. It is not as bad as you think it is. It is worse. The reality is, there is a hidden Hollywood in the way ALL business is conducted and not knowing how to play would be like being dropped into a Football game starting and not knowing the rules of the game.”
“Wherever I have gone and of all the people I have met in my life, I started hearing reoccurring variations of comment from people. ‘You should right a book about your experiences to help educate others as to the true dangers of the business,’ shares Timothy Hines, “Almost all movie making help books, and most college courses ranging from business to acting techniques, simply don’t prepare new hopefuls for the real world of competitive business in filmmaking and acting.”
Atfer decades of writing and directing critically acclaimed movies, Hines has undertaken to help other in the industry, beginners and the seasoned, to avoid some of the counter-intuitive choices when approaching deals that you would not make in any other industry.
Above: Director Timothy Hines (L) and Christopher Lambert (R) in New York City at the AMC Empire 25 Times Square premiere of his 10 Days in a Madhouse – The Nellie Bly story.
Hines book addresses, how, the same way taking accounting classes doesn’t prepare one for Wall Street, most forms of guidance relating to the entertainment industry only deal with the mechanics or gloss over the business end, presenting it as if it is quite civilized.
“It is not,” bristles Hines, “It is the fiercest competition you will find amongst any industry on the planet.”
Hines says one producer nearly begged him not to release this book. that it would discourage others by revealing the tricks of the trade. “On the contrary,” says Hines, “My book will give you a heads up as to the truth of where the risks are so you can stay in the game.”
Above: Timothy Hines’ 10 Days in a Madhouse, The Nellie Bly Story, 19 weeks in US theaters, competitor in the 89th Academy Awards, now availabe on Amazon Prime.
“My book tells how to navigate the relationships, the alliances and how to deal with poison whispers. The later of which have killed more careers than any other reason in Hollywood, including lack of talent,” Hines says, “I want to show people how not to come hear loaded with enthusiasm and your life’s resources, get eaten alive and head back to Idaho, broke, shattered to teach classes in filmmaking. Things don’t operate in this business like any other. It is a land where water flows uphill and spoons levitate. What I am saying is you need a whole new set of rules and I have shared important lessons from my 30 years of experience on literally thousands of productions.”
Above; The UK DVD of Timothy Hines’ 10 Days in a Madhouse.
Below: the German DVD:
“The book,” says Hines, “is like the movie industry version of Hitchiker’s Guide To the Galaxy. I want to tell everyone before reading my book, to bring a towel and above all, DON’T PANIC.”
Above: Timothy Hines’ War of the Worlds The True Story, critically acclaimed movie based on HG Wells’ seminal alien invasion book.
War of the Worlds the True story can be watched in the US now on Amazon here: https://www.amazon.com/Worlds-True-Story-Jack-Clay/dp/B00HH0VG5E
The DVD in all region code is now available in the UK and EU world wide here: http://www.thewaroftheworldsmovie.net/
Timothy Hines has over 30 years in the business of making and selling movies that have earned millions of dollars. Timothy Hines directorial credits include critically acclaimed 10 Days in a Madhouse, starring Caroline Barry, Christopher Lambert, with Kelly Le Brock, the critic and fan praised 85th Oscar condender, War of the Worlds the True Story, based on the novel by HG Wells and upcoming projects Earth Angel and Sean Young Authorized Documentary.
Timothy Hines book will be available on Amazon Prime this Spring, 2018. Write info@pendragonpictures.com to be notified by mail or text when the book is released.
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