Lara Golding, the sensational novelist and relationship psychologist has finally announced the starting of her crowd funding campaign of $67000 for the translation and publishing of her life changing and awe-inspiring two intermediate book ‘In a Freefall. Manipulator’ to English on 2/19/2018. The book, originally written in Russian was inspired and motivated out of a true life story to ignite and reignite the flames of passion in women as to achieve and reclaim their happiness and fulfilment often loss in the name of sacrificing for marriage. The book has continuously enjoy success at enlightening women folks, passing meaningful and transformative idea needed to take the full commands of their destiny which has made countless numbers of readers to constantly requesting for the book to be translated and published in English so that more women’s lives could be changed.
According to K. Zinaida, one of the numerous reader, stated how the igniting book which has Christine has the main character has been a very useful and wonderful publication for her. The book narrated how Christen got married at the age of 24 to a life where each and every one of her dream to become a known journalist was scattered and sacrifice for the sake of home and family but ended up selling lifeless diamond in which she did not have passion for leading to the crushed of her true self on a daily basis until she was enamoured by a man who fulfil every of her desire, a living example of the kind of liberty she had always wanted to live by. All over the world today, just like the former Christine, the life many women are living is nothing to what they have ever dreamt of but they have remain so due to the persistent fear of what family and society at large will say, it is the duty of this book to provide the kind of real confidence, motivation and encouragement that no vague idea can give. “It is never late to start again” as rightly stated by Zinaida who had come to realized one has to live as one think it should be. Without much ado, a dose of motivation embedded in this book is all what you need to get stated. Acquisition of this book will also help in visualising change, understanding peculiarities of male and female logics, thus making logical and right decision at the end.
With a great sense of honour, I will be glad to invites you to help me change your life while also helping other women to change theirs not only in raising the $67000 to have the book professionally and perfectly translated, edited, designed, marketed, converted to eBook, and fulfil all the promise perks of the campaign but also by sharing this campaign with friends and family using Facebook post, YouTube video share feature, Instagram and tweeted links. I really appreciate your effort as I look forward to a greater results.
Thanks, Lada Goldin.
For enquiries, donation, follows and other information, endeavour to check our website and links.
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Contact Person: Lada Goldin
Phone: 972546547345
Country: Israel