Enjoy COL DON WILSON\’S exciting story of “The Antibiotic an Ailing America Needs”.

Lakewood, WA – 21st February, 2018 – Scientifically, antibiotics are medicines that inhibit the growth of or destroys microorganisms, in the context of the book titled “The Antibiotic an Ailing America Needs” written by COL DON WILSON however, it defines antibiotics as solutions that a weak America needs to become strong again.

This thrilling book is a fast-paced, clear, and concise exposure of a declining America with solutions to restore her greatness. Full of inspiring quotes from the giants of our history as a nation, this book explores our godly heritage, the information you were probably not taught in school. The story of our nation is best told through her people-good and bad, famous and infamous, law-abiding citizen and criminal.

This book is filled with a lot of imaginative illustrations written in well structured and simple English. It is guaranteed to wow its readers and keep them on the edge of their seats in agitation as they pace through from page to page.

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About the author

Raised in a military family Donald Wilson, a high school graduate in 1949, enlisted in the United States Army. As a boy, he experienced strict discipline and was very aware of his boundaries of behavior and was comfortable with them. Therefore, from basic training on, his positive attitude open doors. After parachute training, he was assigned to the famous 82nd Airborne Division and rose to the rank of Sergeant ahead of his contemporaries. At the beginning of the Korean War, having passed the Officer Candidate test, he applied for OCS and was commissioned Second Lieutenant USAR serving 23 years on active duty and retiring Lieutenant Colonel. A veteran of Korean War and Vietnam War, he had served with men of honor and integrity. This experience forged his point of view on service to his country and life in general.

His entry back to civilian life was a shock characterizes by the worship of dollar and moral decay. In the business world, he found greed, materialism, and evil to be prominent. Finally, he decided to write a book which he entitled The Antibiotic an Ailing America Needs. It is not a sugar coated pill.

Media Contacts

TITLE: The Antibiotic an Ailing America Needs


WEBSITE: donaldsthoughtsandremedies.com

Company Name: Toplink Publishing

Address: Kelly, NC

Country: USA

Phone: 888-375-9818

Email: contact@toplinkpublishing.com

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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/Colonel-Don-Wilson-1601156079967491/  

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Tumblr: https://authorcoloneldonwilson.tumblr.com/

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Media Contact
Company Name: Toplink Publishing
Contact Person: COL DON WILSON
Email: contact@toplinkpublishing.com
Phone: 888-375-9818
City: Kelly
State: NC
Country: United States
Website: donaldsthoughtsandremedies.com