‘Napoleon: The Age of Revolution’ is an upcoming feature film by American filmmaker Kevin Karp, based on his award-winning scripted material about the early exploits of Napoleon Bonaparte. Karp is the Managing Partner at Lone Pine Productions LLC, which is home to a 27-time award-winning body of work spanning film and TV in the drama, comedy, and thriller genres. Lone Pine’s ‘Napoleon’ project is currently being crowdfunded on Kickstarter, and the company aims to raise half a million dollars for this project via the popular fundraising platform.
“This project is nothing less than a professional-grade film script on Napoleon that is production ready and feasible within feature length,” said Karp, while introducing his project to the Kickstarter community. Moreover, the script already has one of the highest script scores on Slated.com – a vetted community of industry professionals, including investors.
“In crafting the script, we began with the sound precept that a feature film on Napoleon is only possible when it captures the dramatic essence of a specific point in his career,” he added. “Napoleon is indeed a seismic historic individual, whose story is most effectively told when dramatized on the big screen. He combined the roles of general and statesman, in ways that resound powerfully today.”
All funds raised through this Kickstarter campaign will help finance the project and take it into production. The script’s major splash on Slated is no small feat – many red-carpet names are among the members of that organization, which has already provided backing for the Netflix-released ‘Anon,’ starring Clive Owen and Amanda Seyfried.
The Kickstarter Campaign is located on the web at
www.kickstarter.com/projects/365518341/napoleon-the-age-of-revolution, and backers from around the world can become a part of this project by making pledges and donations. The filmmakers are offering several rewards for these supporters, proportioned to level of contribution, and each reward comes with worldwide shipping. More details are available on the project’s Kickstarter campaign page.
About This Project
‘Napoleon: The Age of Revolution’ is an upcoming historical film about the early exploits of French leader Napoleon Bonaparte. The film’s script, seeking crowdfunding on Kickstarter, is building decisive buzz on industry-vetted sites IMDbPro and Slated and is the creation of Lone Pine Productions LLC, an American scripted entertainment company with material that has already won 27 awards.
Media Contact
Company Name: Lone Pine Productions LLC
Contact Person: Kevin Karp
Email: Send Email
City: Phoenix
State: Arizona
Country: United States
Website: www.lone-pine-productions.com