Gotham Cigars Gives Exclusive Access to 20th Anniversary Limited Editions of Rocky Patel Cigars

Gotham Cigars is happy to announce a once in a lifetime opportunity to all cigar lovers of their exclusive access to the 20thanniversary limited edition of the prestigious Rocky Patel Cigars.

This collection of Cigars is well known and well loved by cigar smokers for its distinct taste and the pristine smoking experience that it affords. The 20thanniversary limited edition is made with extra additions that make them a one-off. And for any smoker to have a box of this limited edition would be a great addition to their collection. Gotham Cigars is making this opportunity available to cigar collectors for a limited time.

Gotham Cigars has had a long-standing reputation in the Cigar industry in the United States as America’s number 1 online cigar store since 2001. The company has led the way in the online cigar market with their collection of the best that the market has to offer. One of the finest collections that they hold is the Rocky Patel Cigars. The company has an 18,000 square foot capacity facility that holds exclusively cigar inventory from all over the world. This makes them the largest collector of cigars in the United States. They are offering exclusive access to the collection of rocky Patel cigars including the Robusto Grande, the Rothschild, Sixty, and Toro. The Rocky Patel Cigars are distinct for their Ecuadorian grown raw materials. Anyone can now have access to these online at a really affordable cost.

The announcement came during the 20thanniversary celebration of the infamous work of Rakesh Patel; a celebrity attorney turned creative cigar blender. The President and CEO of Gotham Cigars, Manny Balani, announced that they have an exclusive agreement in place with Rocky Patel Cigars to supply the special 20th anniversary. The CEO said, “These are exciting times for cigar smokers and collectors. The opportunity to own this 20thanniversary limited edition of this prestigious cigar is one that should not be passed over. This time will never come again,and that is why we have partnered with this company on their anniversary to give our teeming online clientele limited access to the limited edition.” In his remark, he further reiterated the commitment of his company, Gotham Cigars, to the cigar community. He said, “Our Company, Gotham Cigars, has invested heavily in ensuring that no cigar lover lacks the best. We have served for over 20 years and have built a community where both novices and seasoned cigar smokers can feel at home.”

Visit the website at to get the knowledge about Rocky Patel Cigars.

While responding to the announcement, one of the people in attendance at the eventsaid, “I have patronized Gotham Cigars now for over 10 years, and in all that time, they have never disappointed. They have the best service in the industry,and they deal in the top quadrant of the cigar industry. Any cigar lover who has a good taste would definitely choose them.” While commenting on the announcement, he further said, “For Gotham Cigars to give exclusive access to the limited edition of Rocky Patel Cigars is a real opportunity that no one should pass over.”

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Country: United States