“3 Glasses” is a story revolving around 3 characters, a homeless, a doctor and a government employee. The project portrays their human condition, anthropological ideas and concepts of frustration, restraint, and progression in modern-day America. The key character is a homeless person. The story focuses on his journey from an effective member of the community to a homeless guy and his hopeful transformation. Each individual is repressed in some way and yet evolves with the others to achieve a beautiful connection and growth that we hope all can enjoy and replicate. The simplicity of their recognition of each other is the gateway to true understanding and development. The homeless that fell into terrible times due to the experience of war and the effects of his dysfunctional, relationship finds a new hope through his friendship with strangers.
Written and directed by Al Qually, this film is just one of many in collaboration with Franklin Livingston, a New York based Actor and Producer, to convey social issues and concerns that consistently permeate our society in the United States. The film is in its pre-production stage and is being filmed in New York City. Qually is deeply connected to this project because of his belief that homeless people are irrevocably vulnerable and stigmatized by their position and that if only one person could take a moment to identify with them in any way that it could shift their perspectives and change both of their fates.
This is one of many projects Bambi Films Inc. is producing. Bambi Films aims to help individuals and communities from all walks of life by bringing awareness of the societal issues that are rooted in human acceptance, social justice, and the need of an unconditional love among people of all races, ethnicities, and genders. This is intended by the production of motion pictures of all sorts for theaters, digital and social media.
The company was founded by Franklin Livingston and his cohort, which is a group of such individuals who have personally been excluded from conversations, dealt with prejudice, and experienced what it is like to not feel supported in a community they value because of their racial and ethnic backgrounds, sexual orientations, political or religious affiliation, and worldviews. Bambi Films envisions creating a safe and creative atmosphere for all who wish to collaborate with them so everyone feels heard and supported.
Media Contact
Company Name: Bambi Films Inc.
Contact Person: Media Relations
Email: Send Email
Phone: 203-872-7119
City: New York
State: NY 10036
Country: United States
Website: www.bambifilms.com