Chriseline Beaubrun inspires organ transplant recipients in “New Heart, New Life”

Congestive heart failure survivor, nurse, Chriseline Beaubrun, details her experience in “New Heart, New Life” as she looks to inspire other people in a similar situation

New Heart, New Life is the emotional story of a woman’s medical journey and life-changing surgery after being diagnosed with congestive heart failure at the age of fifty-seven. In line with her goal to inform and inspire organ transplant recipients and their families, Chris has released “New Heart, New Life,” sharing the account of waiting for a heart that may never come, prolonged hospitalization and the phone call that a heart is available.

Congestive heart failure is one of the most dreaded conditions due to its devastating effects on the patients and their families. Chriseline Beaubrun is one of the individuals that least expected to get Congestive heart failure, at least not at the age of 57. As a nurse, she worked hard all her adult life and had taken care of her body. Over the years, Chris has taken several medications and even had a defibrillator implanted in her chest due to her inability to take a single shallow breath without intense pain. Being her best and probably last chance of surviving, Chris agreed to interview for the position of the organ recipient. This and other series of emotional and life-changing events are contained in “New Heart, New Life.”

As a widow that lost her husband seven years earlier, Chris felt she had faced her share of tragedy and had adopted the skills to deal with challenges and to succeed in the face of life’s misfortunes. However, the master’s degree in Nursing holder did not expect was what coming for her, which turned out to become her biggest challenge.

The memoir tells the story of the many ups and downs facing heart transplant patients through the ordeals of Chriseline Beaubrun. The story includes the anxiety of waiting for a heart that might never come, months of hospitalization, and finally the call that a heart was on the way and the surgery itself. The book also chronicles the long process of recovery and her successes and setbacks during the process.

The book has received several accolades from different readers across the globe. “I love the book, my mom has congestive heart failure, a retired nurse too… the author is a nurse, I love her story with the heart transplant, felt sad when her husband suddenly died in a car accident and left her with 2 kids. How she managed to get through life with so many supportive people (co-worker/families/friends) around her… Great read…” says Danielle Pinchinat.

“New Heart, New Life” is a story of hope, strength, and endurance, to give inspiration to those who are facing death due to the failure of their organs and is currently available on Amazon for readers across the globe.

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