The National and International Cannabis & Hemp Industry

Two native sons of South Carolina revolutionize the cannabis industry with an informative smoke and grow rich tour for all interested entrepreneurs, tourists and stoners.

Atlanta, Georgia – Mar 8, 2019 – Tariq Bey, a former executive of a Tech Company, entrepreneur and real estate investor partners with John Gethers, a financial consultant to large and small construction companies, now advise community farmers and small businesses on how to navigate their way into the explosive cannabis and hemp industry. With like minds and forward thinking ideas, Bey and Gethers decided to partner up and form Smoke & Grow Rich Consultants, with informative cannabis and hemp tours to the legal states like Colorado, California, Nevada, Oklahoma, Florida, and up to Canada. Thirty-three states have now legalized some form of cannabis and hemp use and sales, with pending Federal Legislation that could soon legalize cannabis in all 50 states and the revised 2018 Farm Bill that now allows the farming and processing of industrial hemp, The opportunity for minorities to capitalize are enormous.

After conducting extensive research on the ready-to-explode cannabis and hemp industry—projected to be generate an astounding fifty (50) billion US dollars by 2025—Bey and Gethers considered their interest in the business as a no-brainer, particularly for African-Americans, who are often the last American ethnic group to benefit from business start-ups that they usually end up supporting. Presently, the cannabis and hemp industry remains underrepresented by minorities, who are more likely to be arrested, villainized and stereotyped as the victims and casualties of America’s war on drugs, with extremely high incarceration rates in poor, inner-city and minority communities across the United States.

The “Smoke & Grow Rich Tour,” allows Bey and Gethers to now aim a needed spotlight on opportunities for underrepresented business folks to walk onto the ground floor of the cannabis and hemp industry, understand its parameters, and learn how to become successful in it. As industry consultants their partnership will bring nationwide awareness to the industry, while helping minorities and business entrepreneurs to acquire the knowledge needed to start dispensaries and fulfill their aspirations in cannabis and hemp.

Goals: Of the “Smoke & Grow Rich Tour” include:

  • Providing actual trips to the dispensaries, where seeing it is believing it
  • Opening doors to entrepreneurs who would like to join the industry
  • Uncovering the incredible business opportunities in the hemp and cannabis industry
  • Informing American citizens on the latest in the new world of cannabis legalization
  • Form educational outreach programs in partnership with Minorities 4 Medical Marijuana

 The recreational and business side of the industry, sample the purest products available on the market, explore the grow houses, see the creation of genetic stains, the use of climate control, lighting and nutrients, witness the need for security, prepare for what it takes to run your own dispensary, and other important elements of growing and maintaining successful crops.

Licensing: The tour also aims to educate any and all interested entrepreneurs and minority groups on how to acquire a proper dispensary license, while filling out the needed applications, and learning what restrictions have been implemented for the legal requirements of each state.

Funding & Employment: Last but not least, the “Smoke & Grow Rich Tour” will advise entrepreneurs and underrepresented minorities on how to acquire funding with access to investors, as well as how to find lucrative jobs within the cannabis and hemp industry.

Membership: All who sign up and participate in the tours will become members of a Smoke & Grow Rich Partnership Program, where the company will continue to connect the dots to the cannabis and hemp industry as long-term business consultants, helping any and all members to complete the process and know-how of forming their own dispensaries and cannabis/hemp businesses.

In Closing: The overall goal of the “Smoke & Grow Rich Tour” is to open up an informative and hands-on doorway that helps others to learn, navigate and enter a new and explosive industry early, where they can become the new pioneers and movers and shakers who pave the way for the cannabis and hemp developers and businesses of tomorrow.  

Contact: Tariq Bey on instagram @smokeandgrowrich / Email / 

The Smoke & Grow Rich Tour” – “LEARN THE LEGAL WEED GAME!”

Media Contact
Company Name: Smoke & Grow Rich Tour
Contact Person: Tariq Bey
Email: Send Email
Country: United States