Epic Bong Kitchen Introduces an array of Indian Authentic Fish Recipes and Bengali Fish Curry Recipes

Epic Bong Kitchen Introduces an array of Indian Authentic Fish Recipes and Bengali Fish Curry Recipes
Among Indian food recipe the cuisine of Bengal is as rich and distinct as the state itself. The rule of Nawabs has deeply influenced Bengali food which is a combination of subtle and fiery flavours. There are certain European influences also like the snack food tradition and foods like chops and cutlets that are British in origin but are prepared and served in most Bengali households.

It was believed that cooking is an art that comes from expert cooks but Epic Bong Kitchen – youtube channel owned  by Swagata Saibal makes it simple to cook the following Authentic Fish Recipes :

1. Apollo fish
2. Mahi-mahi fish curry
3. Chingri Malai curry
4. Kadai prawn
5. Pabda macher jhol
6. Posto pomfret bengali style
7. Sorshe ilish
8. Lau Chingri
9. Morulla macher chochhori
10. Salmon fish masala
11. Salmon green fish curry
12. Tel koi
13. Thai green fish curry
14. Rohu fish kalia

Video Link: http://www.youtube.com/embed/3h6jNpxbFiQ

Welcome to Epic Bong Kitchen … if you haven’t noticed already, this is how I greet and welcome my viewers to all my videos in YouTube.  By the way, I am just like many of you, who have been sitting on the fences and thinking (..and thinking), and never bothered to jump in. Thanks to all my friends, who helped me overcome this barrier, and because of their constant encouragement, I am able to collect my thoughts today to present to you my project – Epic Bong Kitchen.

Just so we are all on same page, Epic Bong Kitchen isn’t (rather shouldn’t be) just “another” cooking channel in YouTube that everyone likes and subscribes as they browse internet and stumble upon. There is a deeper vision behind the madness. Here are few of the key drivers: 

  1. Healthy eating hasn’t been more important in our lifetime. In today’s fast and stressful life, a healthy diet can make a huge difference in your wellbeing.
  2. Let’s talk about taste next. We all need to satisfy our taste buds…we often go out (or get home delivery) and eat just for that reason. What an experience. right? but think about it more. It wasn’t probably the healthiest meal you had. We all know it but still keep doing it. Nothing to feel bad about it though.
  3. There is a solution for both the issues above. Cook at home. Don’t underestimate your abilities. If you love to eat and a foddie, you definitely have the taste bud to experiment and make it perfect. I always say, cooking is more of an art than science. You keep tweaking things here and there, and pretty soon you will be serving yourself the tastiest dish you ever had. This is ONE of the main reasons, why I am sharing my recipes. I strongly believe cooking at home is the best way to stay healthy. Give it a try. I also tried and learned, and so can you!
  4. Epic Bong Kitchen has a few other intangible and “audacious” goals. We are just starting out and not there yet…but here is what we are driving towards:
    1. We want to empower and encourage others to cook and join us in this journey. We will open our doors to anyone to use our brand to showcase their cooking skills. Let’s build a community of like-minded home chefs like me and collaborate.
    2. Project – Epic Bong Kitchen will also partner and contribute to the cause of feeding those, who are not fortunate enough to have healthy meals every day.

If you share any of my concerns, let’s team up. Let’s collaborate and take this project forward.





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Company Name: Epic Bong Kitchen
Contact Person: Media Relations
Email: Send Email
Phone: +919790800998
Country: United States
Website: https://www.youtube.com/c/EpicBongKitchen?sub_confirmation=1