Why is this Happening to Me? – A Guide for Learning Emotional Intelligence by Kathleen Kelly – A Book on How Emotional Intelligence Helps Everyday Lives

Why is this Happening to Me? - A Guide for Learning Emotional Intelligence by Kathleen Kelly - A Book on How Emotional Intelligence Helps Everyday Lives

Annapolis, Maryland – August 2, 2019 – Self-improvement books are ubiquitous. Joining the ranks is Kathleen Kelly’s “Why is this Happening to Me?: A Guide for Learning Emotional Intelligence.” The book speaks about the aspects of society that influence us; what emotional intelligence is and how it affects our lives; how to recognize destructive emotions and what to do about them; and the tools to use for emotional intelligence and how to implement them. Kathleen Kelly has authored the book with everyone in mind, but parents, partners, teachers, people interested in self-improvement, people into spiritualism, bosses, and managers are specific targets.

“Why is this Happening to Me?: A Guide for Learning Emotional Intelligence” is an amalgamation of the best quotes of other authors on how to take on life as an enlightened person. Kathleen plans to use the contents of this book as a guide when she teaches emotional intelligence for adult education.

When asked how the book came into being, Kathleen said, “I have read so many books through the years that helped me understand other people and be a better, more spiritual person, I wanted to do something with the knowledge I gained and share it with others.  The idea was to consolidate the information from many books into one book so that other people wouldn’t have to read all the books I read, just the one I wrote. “

As a Catholic, Kathleen has the calling always to move forward and be the best version of herself. She is always looking to develop her spirituality whether it’s help from books she reads or other people. Using her thirst for knowledge and sharing, the author soon found herself writing and publishing “Why is this Happening to Me?: A Guide for Learning Emotional Intelligence.” The book gives insights about how to be a better person amongst others who don’t do the same and how to practically apply things learned from books in real life.

The book is a collection of the best advice and quotes from many top-selling books and practical application of the ideas.

About the author

Kathleen Kelly was born and raised in St. Louis, Missouri, the Show-Me state. She obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in Meteorology at St. Louis University and a Master’s Degree in Atmospheric Science from the University of Missouri-Columbia. She worked for the federal government for thirty-five years as an Operational Meteorologist, a Research Meteorologist, a Program Manager, an Acquisition Manager, a Chief of Staff, a CIO, and an IT Security Compliance Officer. She retired from the federal government and has worked in private industry as a Program Manager for ten more years. Throughout her adult life, Kathleen has poured over self-help, and spiritual books. Daniel Goleman’s books on emotional intelligence had the most impact and influenced her to write “Why is this Happening to Me?: A Guide for Learning Emotional Intelligence.”

For more information, visit Amazon book link https://www.amazon.com/Why-This-Happening-Emotional-Intelligence/dp/1950540138/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1553801357&sr=8-1

Website: http://authorkathleenkelly.com/

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