The Kingdom of Italy is a royal house government by Emperor King Eugenio Magnarin. The kingdom is a constitutional monarchy. The house of Charles Magnus & Alexander Great descendant is one of the more important houses in Europe.
Italy has probably 2 royal pretenders more but the throne of Italy is controlled by King Eugenio Magnarin.
The Kingdom and Government
The government is controlled by the Italian government. However the royal house elite is controlled by king Eugenio Magnarin and part of government too.
KINGDOM OF ITALY /CHARLES MAGNUS HOUSE, The Royal House Magnarin di Castronuovo Argeade-Carolingia, The capital is in Lazio state in Roma city.
The royal house of King Eugenio control part of France, Italy and some part of Mediterranean Egypt. Royal House Magnarin di Castronuovo Argeade-Carolingia.
Make an invitation to join the kingdom of Italy and participate. We accept different agency of government and we have division for control political party.
Constitutional Monarchy
King Eugenio Magnarin
A few leaders nominated by the king of Italy.
Other Political Parties
Government of Italy
Royal House Magnarin di Castronuovo Argeade-Carolingia
HRH Eugenio Magnarin
c/o Edicola Corazzi
Via Raffaele Balestra 35-37
00152 Roma (Italy)
Media Contact
Company Name: Royal House Magnarin di Castronuovo Argeade-Carolingia
Contact Person: King Eugenio Magnarin
Email: Send Email
Phone: 240.455.3170
Country: Italy