A handbag is a fashionably designed handled bag used to hold essential items of personal use. It is typically larger than a purse or pouch and holds objects beyond currency, such as mobile phones and other personal items. The market for handbags is very vast and can be classified on the basis of various factors which influence buying pattern and sales. Based on type, a handbag can either be a satchel, bucket bag, clutch, tote bag, backpack, baguette bag, athletic bag or a hobo bag.
The global handbags market has premium handbags at the forefront influencing tastes and preferences across the entire market. Growing affluence in emerging economies and better brand recognition have driven significant demand in the market, that has been witnessing perpetual growth due to rising disposable income and increasing purchasing power as global economies picked up post-recession. Since the usage of handbags is predominantly associated with women, a rise in the woman workforce over the years has boosted growth. In recent years the handbags market has seen a shift from bigger totes to smaller and increasing preference for off-price channels driven by demand from brand conscious millennial population. To keep up with changing trends, market players have thus, begun to aggressively compete in their social media presence. However, counterfeit products, high import duties and declining store presence coupled with decelerating global GDP growth continue to pose a serious challenge to the global handbags market.
The report provides an overview of the “Global Handbags Market” by concentrating on the premium segment, which drives trends in the entire market. It gives an in-depth analysis of regions like North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific. Certain trends, growth drivers as well as issues being faced by the industry are discussed in detail in the report along with competition in the market.
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Table of Content
1. Market Overview
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Classification
1.2.1 On the Basis of Usage
1.2.2 On the Basis of Buyer Type
1.2.3 On the Basis of Buyer Age
1.3 Types of Handbags
1.4 Distribution Channels
1.5 Handbags Market Value Chain
2. Global Handbags Market
2.1 Handbags Market by Value
2.2 Handbags Market Forecast by Value
2.3 Handbags Market by Segment
2.4 Handbags Market Forecast by Segment
2.5 Handbags Market by Region
2.6 Handbags Market Forecast by Region
3. Regional Handbags Market
3.1 North America
3.1.1 North America Handbags Market by Value
3.1.2 North America Handbags Market Forecast by Value
3.1.3 North America Handbags Market by Segment
3.1.4 North America Handbags Market by Price Point
3.1.5 The U.S. Handbags Market by Value
3.1.6 The U.S Handbags Market Forecast by Value
3.1.7 The U.S. Handbags Market by Volume
3.1.8 The U.S. Handbags Market Forecast by Volume
3.1.9 The U.S. Handbags Spending Per Capita
3.2 Europe
3.2.1 European Handbags Market by Value
3.2.2 European Handbags Market Forecast by Value
3.3 Asia-Pacific
3.3.1 Japan Handbags Market by Value
3.3.2 Japan Handbags Market Forecast by Value
3.3.3 China Handbags Market by Value
3.3.4 China Handbags Market Forecast by Value
3.3.5 China Handbags Market by Segment
3.3.6 Southeast Asia Handbags Market by Value
3.3.7 Southeast Asia Handbags Market Forecast by Value
3.3.8 Hong Kong Handbags Exports
3.3.9 Hong Kong Handbags Exports by Country
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4. Market Dynamics
4.1 Growth Drivers
4.1.1 Increasing Handbags Consumption Per Capita
4.1.2 High Prices in Mature Markets
4.1.3 Growing Youth Population
4.1.4 Rise in Women Workforce
4.1.5 Rise in HNWI Wealth
4.1.6 Increasing Tourist Arrivals
4.1.7 Online Sales Boost Growth
4.2 Key Trends
4.2.1 Millenials Prefer Off-Price Channel
4.2.2 Shift from Bigger Totes to Smaller Bags
4.2.3 Aggressive Presence on Social Media
4.2.4 Handbags Insurance Gaining Prominence
4.3 Challenges
4.3.1 Declining Store Presence
4.3.2 Decelerating Global GDP Growth
4.3.3 Counterfeit Products Hampering Profits
4.3.4 High Import Duties
5. Competition
5.1 Global Market
5.1.1 Revenue Comparison
5.1.2 Market Cap Comparison
5.2 Regional Market
5.2.1 North American Women’s Handbags Market
5.2.2 North American Wholesale Handbags Market
5.2.3 The U.S. Handbags Market
5.2.4 The U.S. Handbags Market by Brand Preference
6. Company Profiles
6.1 LVMH
6.1.1 Business Overview
6.1.2 Financial Overview
6.1.3 Business Strategies
6.2 Michael Kors
6.2.1 Business Overview
6.2.2 Financial Overview
6.2.3 Business Strategies
6.3 Coach
6.3.1 Business Overview
6.3.2 Financial Overview
6.3.3 Business Strategies
6.4 Kate Spade
6.4.1 Business Overview
6.4.2 Financial Overview
6.4.3 Business Strategies
List of Charts
Handbags Market Value Chain
Global Premium Handbags & Accessories Market by Value (2011-2015)
Global Premium Handbags & Accessories Market Forecast by Value (2016-2020)
Global Premium Handbags & Accessories Market Share by Segment (2015)
Global Premium Handbags & Accessories Market Share Forecast by Segment (2020)
Global Premium Handbags & Accessories Market by Region (2015)
Global Premium Handbags & Accessories Market Forecast by Region (2020)
North America Premium Handbags & Accessories Market by Value (2011-2015)
North America Premium Handbags & Accessories Market Forecast by Value (2016-2020)
North America Handbags Market Share by Segment (2015)
North America Handbags Market by Price Point (2015)
The U.S. Handbags Market by Value (2011-2015)
The U.S. Handbags Market Forecast by Value (2016-2020)
The U.S. Handbags Market by Volume (2011-2015)
The U.S. Handbags Market Forecast by Volume (2016-2020)
The U.S. Per Capita Spend on Handbags (2015)
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