5 Global Health Initiatives from GGHTx Co-Founder Avi Kerendian

5 Global Health Initiatives from GGHTx Co-Founder Avi Kerendian
Avi Kerendian, Co-Founder, shares five Global Health Initiatives from GGHTx that nonprofits and community-based organizations from Guadalajara, Mexico to Uganda (Africa) are putting to use today. GGHTx, started by Dr. Arash Hakhamian and Avi Kerendian, is a medical non-profit working on combating global health disparaties in underserved communities. To volunteer, visit GGHTx.

“Gracias” Global Health Trips, a non-profit founded based on helping the underserved at a global level, is working hand in hand with governmental institutions and local community leaders, to strategically provide medical services, and education to those that need it most.

With the continual detrimental impact of communicable and non-communicable diseases on the underserved, Avi Kerendian and Dr. Arash Hakhamian have worked together in forming an organization that focuses on health promotion and disease prevention as well as targeting root causes for poor health.

The Current State of GGHTx

With the ongoing dilemma of Coronavirus (COVID-19), and to the great dismay of the co-founders, our mission trips are currently postponed. Nevertheless, with all the setbacks, GGHTx has been adapting to find new ways to support the underserved despite the current climate.

With the use of GGHTx telehealth, our program will bypass the constrictions of the current pandemic. Making use of its advanced technology, through email, mobile devices, computers, telephones, among others, GGHTx can support those in need without the fear of spreading or catching the disease for both parties. 

Our co-founders would also like to urge others to take the instructions of government institutions seriously in regards to the current state of the pandemic. Through preventative measures, we may all work together to stop the spread of the virus and keep everyone healthy.

Global Health Initiatives and Dismantling Disparities


The first goal for any non-profit should be complete transparency. To have a clear message so donors and recipients are sure of the organization’s mission. It is also important to have a clear message to the organization in question has a clear and direct path to follow. With a clear path and goal, there should be fewer mishaps and miscommunication between members.

Global Giving:

Although it may seem obvious for some, global giving is an intrinsic aspect of any non-profit, targeting disadvantaged communities on a global level. So what does global giving entail? It involves gathering health and social resources, to provide communities the support and basic resources to survive. One of the biggest problems facing disadvantaged communities is a lack of resources, so providing what is lacking is a key aspect of dismantling disparities.

Transformative Work:

Transformative work goes beyond gathering and distributing resources. It involves interacting with communities in need, on a personal level. To learn about the community’s plight, culture, and critical needs. Once volunteers have connected to the community on a personal level, they work to change their quality of life. The change is also more significant and longer-lasting.


Inclusivity means to make sure that every individual is getting the help they need. While social stigma plays a role in ostracizing certain individuals, a non-profit’s work must help everyone in need. Inclusivity also involves helping those who are out of reach, mostly those who are in rural communities.


Working as a community is imperative in dismantling disparities. In having the participation of every community member, it will be simpler in adjusting the root causes of disparity, and the magnitude of help will be even larger. Community effort will also make sure that the support brought in will be a long-lasting, and life-changing one with GGHTx.

Media Contact
Company Name: GGHTx
Contact Person: Avi Kerendian
Email: Send Email
Phone: 414-570-1581
Country: United States
Website: GGHTx.org