“Seven: The Rescue” by A.A. Salter has been released worldwide. This 168-page sci-fi novel tells the story of teenage brothers held captive in a testing facility who must use their newfound powers to escape. As they navigate a futuristic landscape where humanity has fled its home planet, they face internal and external conflict in their attempts to rescue family members and take control of their lives.
Co-written by siblings Alex and Andrew Salter this imaginative tale explores themes of family, responsibility, and personal identity against a backdrop of space travel, technology, and emerging superpowers.
Seven: The Rescue (ISBN: 9781735698366) can be purchased through retailers worldwide, including barnesandnoble.com and Amazon. The paperback retails for $14.99. Wholesale orders are available through Ingram.
From the back cover:
A childhood in isolation is an awful childhood, what’s worse? One in a test laboratory as a guinea pig. Thousands of years after humans left earth and relocated to a neighboring solar system this story follows the emotional and physical journey a small band of teenage brothers will take to set free the family they never knew they had. Escaping from a testing site they set in motion a journey that will use all of their brains, their brawn, and awakened powers they never knew they had.
About the author:
A.A. Salter grew up on the southeast coast of Georgia near Savannah. Growing up with five brothers and one sister proved to never contain a dull moment. Writing has always been their passion and they are excited to take you on this journey into their imagination. A journey that started many years ago.
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