Introducing The Haert™ Program For Post-COVID19 Prevention Based Mental Wellness

Introducing The Haert™ Program For Post-COVID19 Prevention Based Mental Wellness

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Here one can get tips for emotional wellness with advice for prevention-based mental wellness provided by the Haert™ Program.

Provided one is seeking the answers to depression and wants to establish a prevention-based mental wellness routine, the Haert™ Program is one’s solution to a better future, post-COVID19.

Shelter in place (SIP) may have been a good idea for curtailing the spread of Covid — but for one’s mental health, it is one of the worst wide-scale experiments on humans that anyone has ever attempted. Multiple studies have shown dramatic increases in depression, anxiety, substance abuse, and suicidal thoughts.

Clinical programs for depression and anxiety are reporting 90-day backlogs — just for an evaluation.

Anxiety and depression are directly tied to brain chemistry. When a psychiatrist prescribes meds for depression or anxiety — they are working to restore one’s brain chemistry to a good balance point.

SIP is a cruel trick to slowly ruin one’s brain chemistry — like being mentally bled dry by leeches.

Your emotional stability largely relies on a handful of chemicals — aka neurotransmitters. These are Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin, and Endorphins. Everyday activities can keep these little helpers at happy levels — and stopping those activities is a trickle of badness.

When America started SIP, it stopped one from meeting people, walking around, getting sunshine, and having a schedule for bedtime. While this may sound innocuous, it is also nibbling away at one’s healthy brain. One lost oxytocin from meeting people, lost serotonin, dopamine, and endorphins from simple activities, and one lost Vitamin D and serotonin from lack of sunshine, and rough sleep impacts serotonin creation and more importantly the flushing of metabolic waste from one’s brain.

But those are just brain chemicals, what could the impact be??

One can decide if a prevention-based mental wellness program is right to get one’s life back on track after learning about it below.

Dopamine is responsible for one’s motivation, memory, focus, and pleasure.

Oxytocin is the bonding hormone that lets one trust and feel connected.

Serotonin impacts one’s mood, willpower, sleep, motivation, and thinking ability.

Endorphins affect one’s mood, pleasure, and pain relief.

Those brain chemicals — are how one feels and when they drop, one’s emotions drop. The bottom is closer than one thinks.

When asked what one could do to recoup some of these lost neurotransmitters and to re-establish themselves back into society, here is what Bill Lennan of the Haert™ Program for Prevention Mental Wellness had to say…

“Fortunately, reversing the degradation of one’s brain chemistry is easy and safe.

  • First, get outside in the sunshine for at least 15 minutes. If one lives in colder climates, stay out longer. Consider a Vitamin D supplement as D is a precursor to serotonin production. This will help restore one’s serotonin levels.
  • Second, get more activity. Getting outside for an easy walk is all one needs. Make it last at least 15 minutes and earn bonus points for passing the 30-minute mark. Early in SIP, I was doing midnight bike rides to get activity and avoid people. Simple activity will build back up one’s dopamine, endorphin, and more serotonin levels.
  • Third, get more social interaction. When one goes outside, recognize other people, wave, and make eye contact, have a conversation, be a friendly neighbor. Consider calling a lot more people to check on them and doing more networking. If one has family handy, ask them to massage one’s neck or forearms — this is a huge neurochemical boost (my teen sons are asking for hugs every day). Oxytocin is ridiculously important — one needs every drop one can get. Weighted blankets and self-massage also help. Pets are also awesome for snuggling and getting oxytocin.
  • Fourth, get good quality sleep. Weighted blankets help, dark rooms help, a bedtime routine without screens helps. I like white noise — the sounds of waves put me right out. Sleep is when one’s brain takes out the trash. Metabolic waste removal happens when one sleeps. Sleep is also a healing time for other parts of one’s body and key to hormone regulation. Set a morning alarm to make sure one gets to bed at a reasonable time.”

All these tips are just a handful of what one experiences as part of the prevention-based mental wellness program with the Haert™ Program and working alongside wellness experts like Bill Lennan who helps one discover and master social-emotional learning for a better tomorrow.

Media Contact
Company Name: Haert™ Program
Contact Person: Mr. Bill Lennan
Email: Send Email
Phone: 408-309-0875
City: Campbell
State: California
Country: United States