New York – March 29th, 2016 – Parents worried about their kids falling prey to spiked drinks at parties & bars can finally heave a sigh of relief. Drink Cop has reportedly launched a public awareness campaign on to notify the public about its revolutionary spiked drink test cards that show the presence of date rape drugs GHB and Ketamine in drinks.
Anyone can fall victim to being drugged. Even celebrities like Rebel Wilson have experienced the calamity of being drugged by a spiked drink. “Hey guys, but especially to all the girls out there, please be super careful about what you drink when out at clubs and bars at night/” – Twitted Rebel Wilson recently after being drugged at a night club.
As in the headlines today in the Crosby matter where the predator is a celebrity. Bill Cosby’s alterative motives when he betrayed woman for sex has had life changing effects on the victims. “Stuffing feelings of rape and my unresolved issues with this incident has drove me into a life of trying to hurt myself because I didn’t have counsel and I was afraid. I was afraid of the consequences,” stated Janice Dickinson in an interview with ET.
GHB (gamma-Hydroxybutyrate acid) and Ketamine are infamous date rape drugs slipped into drinks. Both drugs work extremely fast. In less then 15 minutes GHB or Ketamine can take effect with the power to keep the victim unconscious for up to 4 hours or more. Unfortunately, falling prey to a spiked drink can result in rape, robbery, kidnapping, assault, organ theft or even death.
Reports are rampant about people, especially teens and young adults in college being drugged at parties, restaurants, and bars. Even businessmen traveling have been targets, falling victim to what is know as a ‘honeytrap’. Disney security chief Paul Kelly, a former Met Police detective with over 26 years of experience was victimized and robbed in a honeytrap after his drink was spiked while traveling in Cape Town, South Africa. Mr. Kelly reportedly suffered life-changing injuries resulting in him fighting for his life in intensive care, according to the Sun.
“A spiked drink can have life-altering consequences and hence we are here to make people aware about proper detection of spiked drinks with our revolutionary Drink Cop drug detector test cards- so that the unfortunate incidents of rape, robbery, assault, organ theft or death could be avoided,” stated a leading spokesperson from Drink Cop.
Crimes through spiked drinks are an alarming issue these days with victims being women and men as well as innocent children. Predators prey upon unsuspecting persons and slip common date rape drugs GHB or Ketamine into ones drink to incapacitate them. These crimes are a re-occurring and growing problem worldwide because these drugs are easily accessible on the internet and can even be made in a kitchen!
“These drugs are odorless and colorless so they are invisible to the human senses. This public awareness campaign will introduce Drink Cop as the ‘first line of defense’ to make the invisible colorless and odorless presence of GHB and Ketemine in a drink VISIBLE on a test card. Use Drink Cop to test your drinks and protect yourself from predators, thieves, and the unknown. Support Drink Cop’s mission and help fund our ‘Public Awareness Campaign’ to educate and prevent crimes against loved ones at any age. Drink Cop wants to insure your security in a social or private environment and enjoy life to it’s fullest! Any contribution would be appreciated- let’s join hands to make the world a safer place together,” added another spokesperson from Drink Cop.
About Drink Cop
Concerned with public safety Drink Cop has creating a public awareness campaign to educate the public about the dangers of a spiked drink and how to protect yourself from predators by testing your drink with Drink Cop’s revolutionary drug testing cards.
Generosity Campaign Link:
Media Contact
Company Name: Drink Cop
Contact Person: Joe Harris
Phone: 929-265-SAFE (7233)
City: NYC
State: NY
Country: United States