Cowen Partners Executive Search Shares the Top Diversity Recruiting Strategies for 2022

Cowen Partners Executive Search believes that your employees should reflect the community they serve and consist of a variety of people, from different backgrounds and experiences. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) strategies are constantly evolving as companies draw correlations between workforce diversity, culture, innovations, community impact, and business results.

Shawn Cole, President Cowen Partners says an organization can easily build a diverse team of qualified candidates by following these 6 steps.

A modern leader knows that having a team of diverse candidates helps the company to resolve issues and contribute innovative ideas on how best to improve the company. Diversity can be their race, religion, gender, experiences, socio-economic levels, etc.

Cowen Partners Outlines Why Diverse Recruiting Strategies are important

In today’s world of business, workforce diversity is becoming the norm. The importance of a diverse recruiting strategy is its many benefits and its provisions for better performance, productivity, and innovations. Some of which include a wide range of skills and experience on your team, awareness caused by an increase in both language and culture, and large and more varied candidate pools. 

Statistics show that diversity hiring is a way to further improve a company’s performance and contribute to the bottom line. They are;

  • Diverse companies are 1.7 times more likely to be innovators in their market
  • Companies having diverse management teams have about a 19% chance of higher revenues
  • 89% of CEOs say that having a diverse workforce improved their deadlines
  • 68% of job seekers say that diversity is considered an important factor in a company

6 ways to Recruit for a Diverse Workforce

The three key factors to consider when trying to improve your business are to 1) ask yourself what are your goals? 2) Have a discussion with your team on how to measure success, and 3) how best you can measure diversity recruiting metrics. Increase the number of diversity candidates by:

1. Go Through Your Job Ads

Cowen Partners says the easiest way to source more diverse candidates for recruitments is to go through your past job ads and make the necessary changes that will reach out to a broader range of candidates. It might be that the language you used in your past ads was directed towards a specific demographic level of experience. 

2. Your Target Source for Diverse Candidates Should be from Different Places

Sourcing candidates should come from a variety of different places. It is not advisable to rely on one source, like a college, when seeking out new candidates as this may result in a lack of diverse ideas and innovations. Expanding your search to different places will result in a more diverse talent pool. 

3. Seek Out Referrals from your Diverse Employees

It is common for team members to have a network of people with similar backgrounds as their own. To boost your recruitment strategy and show that your company values different backgrounds and ideas, create a referral program involving diverse candidates. Encourage them to share company job ads and offer them the tools needed to promote the company for you. 

4. Create Company Policies that Align with Diverse Candidates

Shawn Cole, President Cowen Partners says you need to act on the values you claim to have about diversity. Encouraging a safe, honest, and open dialogue with employees is a great way to make sure that everyone feels valued. Another part of increasing your diversity is in candidate screening and it includes:

5. Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to Review Resumes

A distinct way to ensure that you implement a bias-free resume screening process is to use artificial intelligence. To achieve this feat, you must reprogram your platform to flag and filter the specific skills and experience, and then allow the AI technology to analyze your candidate’s resumes. This way, you’ll be getting an impartial shortlist free from any bias. 

6. Create a Skill Based Process for your Shortlisting.

Even if you don’t have an AI resource, Cowen Partners says you can create an objective hiring process by stack ranking blinded resumes by skills that match the job description while removing personal bias about specific candidate’s background and experience from the equation.

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Company Name: Cowen Partners
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