Indie Books Worth Reading 2022 Catalog by Golden Box Books Publishing

Indie Books Worth Reading 2022 Catalog by Golden Box Books Publishing
Promoting books is getting harder by the minute, due to thousands of books published every day. The competition is fierce among big publishers, and especially hard on indie authors and small publishing houses. Golden Box Books, a publishing service provider, helps indie authors not only with reasonably priced services, but we try to help as much as we can with book promotion and marketing as well.

2022 is our second year of selecting indie books that are worth the attention of readers.

Reading improves memory and cognitive ability.

When you read or listen to stories, visualize the characters and scenes, and feel the emotions of the characters, your brain releases the “feel-good hormone”. This hormone, dopamine, is the primary driver of the brain’s reward system. It spikes when we experience something we enjoy. There are plenty of books in this catalog to provide you with many pleasurable dopamine hits.

Enjoy our beautifully designed catalog by Erika M Szabo, displaying various genre books.

To read the catalog, click on this link:

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What makes a book indie?

An indie book is any book published by an independent publisher. Any publisher outside the “Big 5” (Hachette, Harper Collins, Penguin Random House, Macmillan, Simon & Schuster), and their many, many imprints, are considered an independent publisher.

What does it mean to be an indie author?

An indie author is a writer of fiction and nonfiction, who self-publishes their work and retains and controls all publishing rights. Their goal is to make a living by writing and publishing books. However, because indie authors are not backed up by major publishers, their amazing stories often stay unnoticed due to lack of aggressive marketing.

How can I support indie authors?

Buy their books online and leave a review.

Order their books from your local bookstore.

Request their books at the library.

Give their books as gifts.

Talk about their books on social media.

Recommend their books in your book club.

We asked readers: Why do you prefer reading indie books?

“Because the majority of the indie authors publish unique stories, that are not written by following the formula dictated by publishers. Indie authors don’t have to obey any publisher rules, which makes their stories original.”

Do you choose your next read from the bestseller list?

“Usually, no. I know that most, sometimes the best indie authors, don’t have the financial freedom to pay thousands for marketing, so their books might be hidden on page 50 or something. Mostly, I check out books recommended by friends, and I read book reviews on blogs, or social site pages, and in groups. If the cover and blurb grab my attention, I read the free preview before I buy the book.”

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Company Name: Golden Box Books Publishing
Contact Person: Erika M Szabo
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State: NY
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