New form of Astrology uses Yoga and Hypnosis to help People find Inner Peace and an Open Heart

New form of Astrology uses Yoga and Hypnosis to help People find Inner Peace and an Open Heart
Psycho-Spiritual Vedic Astrology uses conscious and unconscious techniques to change behavior and find inner tranquility — but doesn’t make predictions or recommend gemstones/rituals.

A new form of Vedic astrology founded on the psychological-spiritual principles of traditional Yoga focuses on helping people find inner peace by freeing them from the grip of their habitual compulsions, anxieties, and rumination. According to these Yogic principles, the ways we commonly seek to improve our lives can often reinforce our destructive habits and keep us disconnected from ourselves, others, and from a fulfilling life. “Your efforts to change/fix/solve yourself reinforce the very ‘self’ from which spiritual practices are intended to free you”, writes Balraj, owner or “Yoga doesn’t produce a ‘self’ that possesses the absolute/ultimate security that the ego wants. The classical purpose of yoga was not to create a better or stronger or happier ego. Yoga produces a deeper and more fulfilling connection in/with life, free from the rigid ways of perceiving and behaving that we inherit and establish (1) in order to avoid pain caused by feelings of incompleteness/inadequacy and (2) in our relentless quest to no longer be incomplete, to feel that we no longer have to strive for anything ever again. We try to eliminate our sense of incompleteness by looking for permanent security in such things as financial freedom, unassailable mental health, the undying loyalty/admiration of a lover, unlimited fame/recognition, enlightenment, etc.

Many seek an astrology reading for a prediction, wanting to know (1) when they will experience what they think will make them happy, and/or (2) if/when they might experience what they most fear. According to Balraj, this information won’t help free them from the source of their suffering. Balraj does not offer prediction, instead emphasizing the importance of identifying one’s destructive habits and directly confronting one’s anxieties/compulsions in order to be free of them. Rather than simply hoping/wishing that all of the “bad stuff goes away”, one’s aim should be to change oneself (i.e., change one’s habits—one’s “karma”). Freed from the grip of the “habitual self”, one is left with more attention and energy to connect with (and pursue) the things that make one’s life more meaningful (without fear, doubt, and insecurity). ”Freedom”, writes Balraj, “is unavailable to those who remain imprisoned by themselves.”

Balraj’s Psycho-Spiritual Vedic Astrology Readings are private, personalized, 2-hour online consultations. Clients submit a questionnaire well before their consultation, providing Balraj with the information required for preparing the chart, including an accurate birth time; several hours of preparation precede each consultation. Each reading provides personalized, pragmatic remedial suggestions free of astrological/metaphysical jargon: “No rituals, no amulets, no magic; awareness and courage are enough.” 

Working with Balraj is ideal for a number of people, including (1) those who have realized that getting what they want won’t make them as happy as they think, (2) those who feel they should be happy but aren’t (and don’t know what to do about it), (3) those who feel stuck in cycles of repeating mistakes, (4) those who have found remedies promising magical/instant relief to be ineffective, and (5) those who feel they need deeper, longer-lasting change (rather than tactics to “manage” discomfort).

While a Psycho-Spiritual Astrology Reading alone is sufficient to provide a path towards inner peace, Balraj offers a multi-session program for those interested in working to cultivate a more open and peaceful heart and mind (and a more spiritual life). This multi-session program—called the Deeper Connection Intensive—includes Vedic psycho-spiritual astrology and conversational hypnosis. When we address our most difficult personal challenges, willpower and intellectual insights are often not enough to change our behaviors. Conversational hypnosis helps to “untie” what could be described as “unconscious knots“ that keep us stuck in destructive and unwanted patterns. This non-traditional form of hypnosis works with the distinctive unconscious mind of the client, often producing unpredictable sessions that result in dramatic breakthroughs. Balraj’s intention with conversational hypnosis is unique: he’s not interested in solving the ego’s problems; instead, he wants to free awareness from the grip of the ego and its toxic self-interested motivations so that you experience a freer, more peaceful and open heart and a more connected and meaningful life. The Deeper Connection Intensive Program also includes traditional meditation and breathwork instruction/coaching to help clients create a sustainable practice that helps them establish a grounded mind that is more connected to its own life. Currently, Balraj does not offer hypnosis or breathwork/meditation instruction as standalone services. 

Balraj also provides phenomenological-existential teachings on traditional yoga.

Balraj is a yogin, professional astrologer, and certified hypnotist. Balraj received the title of Yoga Vidya and received his Diploma in Yoga from Annamalai University. He received a BA (Hons) and MSc (Oxon) studying South Asia and India respectively. He then obtained an MA in philosophy, defending his thesis on phenomenological method.

For further information about Balraj’s Vedic astrology readings or the Deeper Connection Intensive, visit, or find his teachings on social media, including Twitter.

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