A renowned author, Carlin Irwin, has released his book “Lettuce Love” on Amazon. Lettuce Love is a big collection of religious, romantic, and poetic literary artworks. In the anthology, the poet writes some poems and letters to a lover, expressing the depth of his feelings in the most romantic way. The book contains texts that walk through 34 pages of romantic grandeur in print. It is definitely a quick and exciting read for lovers of romance.
Lettuce Love opens up with a prologue describing how challenging life can be for people who always break down when they do not receive the things they expect at the time they want them. It further states that most times, the best things or opportunities meet people at the moments they least expect. So, rather than channeling a great level of energy into feeling sad and worrying over the things they cannot get, they should try harder, pick up from where they fell, and hope for greater possibilities. “Be prepared to claim your trophy when you are not expecting it. Jesus is said to come back when the world thinks all is lost. When times are worst. God sends you a blessing when times are worst!” says Carlin Irwin.
In subsequent pages, the beauty of romance unfolds. Each poem reveals something more profound than how love is usually perceived. The poems explore a wide variety of themes, including God’s unconditional love, romance, passion, etc. Carlin adopted the finest poetic language for each verse and released them in their purest, sweetest, and concrete form. While the poems are cryptic and metaphorical, they do not lose their meanings and are easy to understand. Additionally, the romance e-book kindle is for an NFT project.
“My lines are fine. My poem may ‘woah’ them. I am not sour like lime. It was written by my hook, which is easily read by a nook. Go no further for sweetness; there is nowhere else to look. The heart that reads, I’ll take like a crook. When you have my heart, that’s all you’ll ever need.”
The book is available for purchase on Amazon
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Website: https://www.amazon.com/Lettuce-Love-Carlin-Irwin-ebook/dp/B09XZCCKFK/ref=mp_s_a_1_10?crid=1Q1I3CXPYCNLM&keywords=%22Lettuce%22+love&qid=1650185002&sprefix=lettuce+love%2Caps%2C281&sr=8-10