The reality show “New York Never Sleeps” has already started recording its second season, which will be documentary style and with the selection of seven successful women, it promises to offer a noteworthy image of the Big Apple.
Dominican trial attorney Genesis Peduto joins the select group of women that the public will be able to get to know in depth starting in September, when the NYC Latin Media program will begin broadcasting through Digital 15 and Telemicro Internacional.
Peduto specializes in criminal and immigration cases and is licensed to practice in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Florida.
“We wanted influential and powerful women so that viewers will be able to see them perform professionally, in their relationships with their families and even their deepest confidences,” said Raquel Ureña, creator of this reality show about the entry of Genesis Peduto.
Genesis stated that it is an honor for her to be chosen as one of the participants in this second edition: “I am happy because they have chosen a woman who came from a very small town San Francisco De Macorís in the Dominican Republic to the United States in 1982, to fight for my dreams and it is a privilege to be able to inspire others by teaching them that through hard work and preparation one can achieve everything they set out to do”, she concluded.
Among the cases that the lawyer has defended there are many high-profile cases that the audience will learn about through this second season of the reality show.
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