Human Resource Managers Turning to Baby Boomers in Workforce Shortages According to Manufacturing Journalist TR Cutler

Human Resource Managers Turning to Baby Boomers in Workforce Shortages According to Manufacturing Journalist TR Cutler

Industrial journalist, TR Cutler recently shared manufacturers are increasingly reducing risk with human resource (HR) outsourcing and welcoming back experienced Baby Boomers to the workforce. According to Cutler industrial HR managers have regularly expressed the near impossibility of keeping up with Federal, state, and local regulations while running the day-to-day operations of a small business. These details often kill a business from costly compliance violations. The consequences can cause the death of a company in this highly litigious world. Read more in the August issue of Manufacturing Outlook magazine.

Cutler noted, “Smaller companies with limited resources may seek to minimize costs by staffing less seasoned professionals and making it a department of one individual, which may not give the company the appropriate focus, skills, and expertise required to avoid this potential liability. Older workers are returning from retirement to re-enter the workforce in the midst of inflation and generous benefits packages.”

“Amidst those making up the backlash to the great resignation are Baby Boomers, and the share of the workforce over the age of 75 is expected to grow by 96% over the next decade. As older workers return to the workforce new resources and flexibility may be required from employers that are less important to younger generations,” added Cutler.  

About TR Cutler, Inc.

Thomas R. Cutler authors more than 1000 feature articles annually regarding the manufacturing and industrial sectors, with emphasis on robotics, lean manufacturing, technology breakthroughs, and media coverage of the sector.

Cutler is the President and CEO of Fort Lauderdale, Florida-based,  TR Cutler, Inc. , celebrating its nearly quarter century in business. Cutler is the founder of the 9000+ Manufacturing Media Consortium which includes more than 9000 journalists, editors, and economists writing about trends in manufacturing, industry, material handling, and process improvement.

Cutler has established special divisions including African manufacturing, LATAM/Colombian manufacturing, Gen Z workforce, and Food & Beverage, andIndustrial Coaching. Over 5200 industry leaders follow Cutler on Twitter daily at @ThomasRCutler. Contact Cutler at

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