Written by a nineteen-year-old Matthew Hilfiker, The Legend of Light and Darkness is the feature novel within the aptly named book Tales of Vice & Virtue. Within the pages is also a riveting modern mystery novel named the Manhattan Maniac and additional heartfelt poetry.
The Legend of Light & Darkness is about three converging storylines, a story of three very different characters who one way or another are bonded with one of the three ancient powers of the universe and must combine their powers into one to stop an evil witch from turning the world into a barren kingdom for her to rule.
In this book full of adventure, there are a variety of stories with different themes. This collection of stories and poems tells of real-life challenges. Like works of fiction have changed Matthew Hilfiker’s life, he hopes his works of fiction change yours.
Matthew Hilfiker is a lifelong resident of Fort Myers, Florida. He intends to follow his passion for writing. Hilfiker’s hobbies include sports, music, and spending time with family and friends.
Tales of Vice & Virtue has been chosen for the film adaptation project of Dreambooks Media Professionals. The company does this every quarter in a particular genre required by the film companies to whom they submit the various stories. The company submits stories to small, big, or medium-sized companies.
Explore “Tales of Vice & Virtue” by Matthew Hilfiker on Amazon.
Watch the Book Trailer Video of “Tales of Vice & Virtue” on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5s8cG1EZpU
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