Stay at Home Mom Writes Children’s Book Contributing to the Legacy of distinguished businessman and philanthropist, Mr. William Kaplan

The early morning wake-ups, preparing kids for school, homemaking, running her businesses, volunteering, and everything in between, did not stop Sandy Bastien, wife to Pierre and mom of five, from writing her first children’s book that captured the joy and excitement found in the place called the Newburgh Armory Unity Center.

William Kaplan a World War II Veteran, distinguished businessman, and philanthropist of Newburgh has spent the better part of his life giving back to the community. One of his visions is the Saturday Morning Enrichment Program at Newburgh Armory Unity Center. The Newburgh Armory serves as a “home away from home” for many who continue to come back each Saturday morning.

For children, the Armory is a fun, educational, and social facility where they learn new life skills, play many sports activities, interact with each other, and enjoy the weekend. For the adults, the Armory is a safe and enriching environment where parents, children, and community leaders come together to improve themselves and ultimately secure a promising future for all.

In her book, Sandy Bastien who was also a Volunteer Parent that instructed the Dare to be a Wild Reader class at the Armory captures how her now 8-year-old son Dilan confidently shares his unforgettable experiences. Through Dilan’s recount of the day, the author highlights the excitement and thrill that follows every Saturday Morning. 

Is It Saturday Yet? was released on Amazon in August of 2019. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic and Sandy having given birth to her fifth child, these circumstances made it difficult for anything public to be done for the book. 

On Saturday, October 29, 2022, at Mr. Kaplan’s 95th Birthday celebration, hundreds of copies were distributed to the families and children in attendance.

“I am very satisfied with this book,” said Mr.Kaplan. The remarks and compliments of the parents made me happy. “It was the best part of my 95th birthday. I couldn’t wish for a better birthday present than to see every parent own a copy of the book. It is a great read and everyone from children to adults will love it. I am filled with joy.”

Is It Saturday Yet? provides an educative and entertaining description of the Armory and the people that go there. The book is a valuable contribution to the legacy and impact of Kaplan’s Saturday Morning Enrichment Program. At the Birthday Celebration, one parent Yvonne Newton told Mr. Kaplan: “This book is amazing. The description of the Newburgh Armory is real talk”.

The book is available in Kindle and Paperback versions on Amazon.

To get, more information on Is It Saturday Yet? please visit:

Sandy Bastien is also pleased to announce her upcoming children’s book, “Mommy, Has a Great Idea,” will be released in the Fall of 2023. It is also based on her experience with her kids following the success of her Baby Bottle invention, the BabaLID.

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