Master Certified Virginia Beach Home Inspector Shares 2022 Checklist For DIY Inspections

Master Certified Virginia Beach Home Inspector Shares 2022 Checklist For DIY Inspections
Master Certified Virginia Beach Home Inspector
This Master Certified home inspector in Virginia Beach, VA shares his checklist for home inspections to ensure one is doing everything they can to ensure the home one wants to buy is sound and truly of value.

When searching for a Virginia Beach home inspector, it’s pertinent that one does due diligence, ensuring that their home inspector will thoroughly check every facet of the home in question to be inspected.

However, most home inspectors in Virginia Beach won’t just give out their home inspection list, because it’s proprietary.

Clay Somers, is a Master Certified home inspector in the VA beach area, and he was very willing to share this data about his checklist for home inspections, and we are proud to share it with you.

A home inspection checklist is one of the many steps one encounters in the VA beach home inspections and buying process.

It helps protect buyers from purchasing a home with undisclosed problems. Use this home inspection checklist to make sure one’s inspection goes without a hitch.

What is a home inspection?

A professional home inspection is where a qualified home inspector looks for any defects and potential problems. Just as an appraisal is designed to protect mortgage lenders, an inspection is for the home buyer’s benefit.

VA Beach home inspector, for example, is trained to assess the condition of the property thoroughly, covering every facet and crevice in and out, to show one area of deficiency, if any. It is also important to include a home inspection contingency in one’s home purchase agreement. This gives one the power to negotiate if the inspector uncovers major repairs or maintenance that one would need to pay for.

The home inspector in Virginia Beach will not give the home a pass or fail, that is one’s job as the buyer. One can choose to buy a home that is falling down, or one can renegotiate with the seller over the smallest deficiency.

When does the Master Certified home inspector in Virginia Beach, come on-site?

A home inspection happens after the seller accepts one’s offer and before one closes on the home. Schedule the inspection as soon as possible after one offer is accepted, as that will give one the necessary time to renegotiate with the seller if any discrepancies are found.

To all seeking a home inspection checklist for buyers, this was given by A Premier Home Inspection in Virginia Beach, VA, as a courtesy to help homeowners understand what to expect from start to finish:

Having one’s own home inspection checklist will help one work with one’s inspector. One may identify areas of concern that one can pass along.

Outside the house:

Roof. All roofs need maintenance, so one will want to know how soon it could become a major expense. Find out how old it is and ask questions about any damage or discoloration one sees.

Also, check nearby trees and leaves and branches causing damage and giving rodents easy access.

Water. Water can rot wood, damage one’s foundation, and cause mold.

Look to see if anything would cause rainwater to flow onto or under the house as the rain gutters should be clean and direct water away from the property.

Foundation. Problems with the foundation could prove costly, so watch out for big cracks in the ground, raised foundations, or walls. And pay attention to any trees growing close to the house as it is quite common for roots to cause damage that one can’t easily see.

Inside the house:

Water. Water can be destructive; one will want to look for it everywhere. Watch out for, water stains on ceilings, walls, or floors. These could indicate a roof or pipe leak and leaks or water stains inside sink cabinets can become the most expensive mistakes easily overlooked.

Appliances. Turn on appliances, including the heater and air conditioner, to make sure they run and run the garbage disposal. Also, confirm the home has hot water and all plumbing fixtures work.

Signs of age. Old houses are nice, but if one buys one, one might need to upgrade certain features.

If a wood floor has already been refinished, it may be too thin to refinish again and clay and cast iron pipes wear out. Old windows are not energy efficient either. Old wiring could be a fire hazard, too.

Older homes may not have enough electrical outlets to accommodate a digital family of modern-day.

How to hire a home inspector in Virginia Beach:

First, find out whether one’s state requires home inspectors to be licensed, most do and if so, be sure to verify that one’s inspector has a valid and current license. Ask around for referrals like one’s real estate agent probably knows more than one home inspector.

Also check with friends, family, or coworkers or seek online reviews.

Here are a few questions to help one get to know the inspector and compare one’s options.

  • What does the home inspection cover?
  • How many residential home inspections has one completed?
  • How long will the home inspection take?
  • When will the home inspection report be ready?
  • How much does the home inspection cost?

Ensure one’s home inspector is not affiliated with the seller in any way and the inspector is on the buyer’s team. One wants to feel confident that the person will look out for one’s best interests.

How much does a VA Beach home inspection cost?

As one cannot speak for all places in the USA offering home inspections, according to the Department of Housing and Urban Development, a typical price range is $300-$500, but one might pay more.

The price will vary depending on where one lives and the condition and size of the home. The home buyer pays for the VA Beach home inspection. Specialty inspections are not usually included in a presale visual inspection.

If one needs the home inspected for termite activity or mold (beyond what’s visible), one may need to pay an additional fee or hire a special inspector.

What happens during an official VA Beach home inspection and most of anywhere else?

The inspection process is a lengthy visual inspection of the home and it may take a few hours.

In addition to the items above, if the attic, basement, or crawl spaces are accessible, the home inspector will probably enter those areas.

Here are some other items that are commonly checked and include:

  • Walls, ceilings, floors, and doors
  • Interior plumbing fixtures
  • Structural integrity
  • Proper ventilation
  • Visible termite damage
  • Electrical panel
  • Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter receptacles, which are outlets that protect one from getting shocked.
  • Carbon monoxide detector and smoke detector
  • Garage door operation

Besides checking to make sure things work, the home inspector will note any safety hazards.

After the inspection, one will get a detailed home inspection report.

Tips for the home inspection day:

Here are some tips to get the most out of one’s home inspection –

– Be there. One does not have to go to the inspection, but it means one can see any problems for oneself.

– Be prepared. Bring a blank home inspection checklist and jot down questions to ask the inspector.

– Check for disclosures. Review any seller disclosures one received before home inspection day.

– Be sure to ask one’s inspector to look at those areas and verify repairs and if one is buying a foreclosed home, there may be no disclosures. Let the inspector work and avoid unnecessary interruptions.

– Make sure there’s time to ask questions, so set aside sometime before the inspector leaves.

For more information on what to look for in this home inspection checklist, and provided one lives in or near Virginia Beach, consider working with a highly-educated, Master Certified Virginia Beach home inspector!

Media Contact
Company Name: A Premier Home Inspection, LLC
Contact Person: Clay Somers
Email: Send Email
Phone: (757) 797-4240
Address:900 Freers Ct.
City: Virginia Beach
State: Virginia
Country: United States