Bess Dallal, M.S LAc, is a nationally recognized and licensed acupuncturist in Oregon. She has been practicing and studying natural medicine for more than 15 years and is recognized as a primary care provider. Now, she is offering acupuncture therapy in Human Nature Medicine.
Acupuncture is an ancient healing technique that originated in China over 4000 years ago. During acupuncture therapy, the practitioner uses thin needles in specific parts of the body called meridians. A meridian is an energetic pathway in the body. Energy can flow freely throughout the body by stimulating these points, helping during the healing process.
The human body has thousands of acupuncture points connected by meridians or pathways, and they create an energy flow called Qi. When energy flows through the body, it creates a positive response, meaning overall health. When there is a blockage or disruption of the energy, symptoms of different diseases can appear.
“While there are not enough scientific studies about acupuncture, this ancient healing practice has been around long enough to prove it works.” Said the spokesman of Human Nature Medicine. “Acupuncture has shown effectiveness for a wide variety of conditions and symptoms such as chronic pain, headaches and migraines, joint pain, dental pain, postoperative pain, and more.”
At Human Nature Medicine, they believe that natural healing methods can benefit one’s overall health. They are committed to providing trustworthy healing alternatives such as Chinese medicine, acupuncture, abdominal massage, moxibustion, cupping, herbal medicine, and microneedling.
Human Nature Medicine cares about its clients and offers affordable rates and networks with different insurance companies. To learn more about their rates and services, visit their website at
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