Michael Rollins: Time of The Departed – The New Coming Book

Michael Rollins: Time of The Departed - The New Coming Book
Michael Rollins: “That electrical current has an expiry date on its expression. Now the energy itself seems as if it behaves randomly, but it’s not when you start to dive deep into it. you realize it’s a controlled expression from an atomic level. There’s only two ways life can get out of the body. where the energy gets too excited. where the energy is too excited and the body can’t hold it. it’ll release the life force from it,the life force will be released or through trauma.”
Acceptance is a I think is the most important, for me at least, something beautiful happens when you accept reality for what it is. there’s some magical taking place beneath the surface and the moment you accept you can see it. and it gives you access to stuff that you have no idea that even exists. Most people have no idea it’s there but when you get it something happens to you, it changes you in a way where you have less friction inside of you, less disturbances within yourself.

Michael Rollins, great to meet you towards the launch of the publishing journey.

First of all, if you would emphasize one message, one liner, what message would it be?

Well, basically everything in life is predetermined. there’s the underlying reality that dictates everything that takes place in life and it’s a mathematical construct.



Does it mean there is a Formula?

That’s a mathematical formula that dictates the beginning and the ending of life.

The beginning and also the ending, can it predict the date leaving the body?


According to what? This formula is based on what?

You know how they say… ‘The day you were born will determine the day you will die’, right? I heard that a lot in my life and I took that seriously. I started researching and I discovered that it’s actually like that. The reason why we can’t see it is because we look at each other as physical beings. Even though we say everything is energy we don’t really believe it like… people don’t really understand how deep that goes. So, what I discovered through the Birthday is that the human being is an energy currency. He’s like an electrical current in a computer. That’s who he is. That electrical current has an expiry date on its expression.

Now the energy itself seems as if it behaves randomly, but it’s not when you start to dive deep into it. you realize it’s a controlled expression from an atomic level. So, there’s only two ways life can get out of the body. an extreme, you know, where the energy gets too excited, for example an overdose. where the energy is too excited and the body can’t hold it. it’ll release the life force from it or when it’s too feeble and the energy is too weak, the life force will be released or through trauma. kind of an accident. now there are numbers that represent the three ways you can leave the body and every person that passes away in one of the three numbers.

You can even go even in detail as to how and why it happened.

(You know that’s not going to be in the book maybe I’ll put some drops here and there)

So, acceptance is a I think is the most important, for me at least, something beautiful happens when you accept reality for what it is. there’s some magical taking place beneath the surface and the moment you accept you can see it. and it gives you access to stuff that you have no idea that even exists. Most people have no idea it’s there but when you get it something happens to you, it changes you in a way where you have less friction inside of you, less disturbances within yourself.

Life and death both happens within time to understand when and how they’ll unfold its necessary to understand time itself which is a discharge from within that is expressed on to external reality the body itself is like a clock that keeps time on an atomic level that moves within the bigger time frame of our solar system and when an individuals time catches up with the earths time their seems to be some sort of event that causes the separation of the body and soul where as the earth collects the body for energy redistribution.

When I first saw it, I was shocked because you can’t believe like everything is so precise.

These details needed to come together to make this happen and things look so Random but they’re absolutely determined. so, the person can choose to take a flight at a certain time, and what I’ve noticed is all of the people… For example, I’ll give you an example of the helicopter crash for Kobe Bryant. There were such a number of people on that helicopter. if you look at all these crashes… Helicopter or plane crashes, that number is on all of them. When you look into the birthday of the people on the plane, they’re all mathematically connected together. it’s crazy how it is but some kind of way they all link up to create one of the three numbers. That’s how you know what’s going to take place. Now I can actually predict it a lot ahead of time as well. So, for example there were people who are in relationships, who are destined for a life ending together tragically, for example like Kobe and his daughter that was totally predetermined from way before they even were born. This is taking place all over the world with all people. Now the thing is you end up choosing to do something that leads you there. That’s where I got the idea that the genes themselves know when and where and what’s supposed to take place. because at the end of the day it’s done by your hand, regardless of how it turns out you took yourself to the place. if it was sickness, it’s a result of something you put in your body. All of these things look natural. But it’s a mathematical construct that’s mixed with both life and death and they both get their turn to express it themselves, and at a certain point in life the genes will take over and be the superseder of the expressions.

This is research I’ve been doing for a long time, since my father died. actually, the first part of the formula I discovered from my father’s birthday and his death date. it was through his birthday and his passing date that i discovered the first link. and as I was focusing on the first link, 4 other links came out that were all the same for people all across the board who passed away.

So that’s when I  started to take it further and further into the experience itself and today it’s every single person that passes away comes under the same energy expression which is a number.

It’s amazing. What will be the name of your coming book?

The first thing that came to mind was Time of The Departed.

I didn’t know if I want to do the Departed’s Time or The Time of The Departed. you know that was the first thing that came to my mind. and then a friend of mine told me ‘You should just call it “Predetermined’’.

Then it sat with me so well but another one was Written in Stone, because the birthday and the death date are both written on the headstone. so, these are the two names of that most…

But at the same time, I didn’t know if I wanted to do that because people were afraid of the whole idea of death. and I didn’t want it to be too heavy…  but I thought of the name of the book this images in my head, you know of a person with his back turn walking off into space and then you know the departed’s time and then the timing was there like zero dot zero zero. That’s what I saw in my head. the design of the cover. But then the acronym for t-i-m-e is this is my end.

One final message for the bloggers, for the people that are part of this journey, for the community that you are starting to build around the world. one message or one sentence that you say: hey guys please take it to your heart from the coming book from this interview. what message would it be?

I think the one message that’s been with me for years that’s just acceptance the moment that you accept then you can see. you can’t see as long as you don’t accept. you’re always asleep.

You can’t see what’s going on around, you can’t see reality because you don’t accept. and how do you know you don’t accept? you think you have control because you’re strongly identified with the self, as a result that identification disconnects you from the whole and so it’s impossible for you to see what’s really taking place. but when you accept you realize that you don’t have a choice in the matter that something else bigger is at play, and as a result everything calms down because you realize it doesn’t matter left or right what’s going to happen is going to happen that way.

Michael Rollins just leans back with your recommendation and knowing that this is Nature. this is the way it is.

Yeah, it’s the way it is. I say biology was here before our brains were or our thoughts were. it’s always had its own plan before we came into the picture or our thinking came into the picture

If you would share one moment, the most profound moment of your life?

Well, I remember this one like it was yesterday. It was the year 1996. the 9th of November. That’s the year my father passed away.

How did it happen?

Well, he had I believe a sudden heart attack which was strange because my father was completely healthy. He was always healthy; he was always eating healthy. That week we used to do martial arts together so he was in perfect physical condition, but what was weird was I had dreamed of my father passing, like four times in a row. and the night of his passing is the night as I was dreaming that dream when he passed so my mother woke me up and she said go see what’s wrong with your father and that was the day that my father passed away. He passed away in my arms.

What was in your dream?

Well, I kept seeing him. passing. I was 17 so this was all new to me I had never given death any thought like that but it’s a dream that I kept having over and over and when my mom woke me up and in reality it actually happened, I became stuck in a dream world because when I would sleep, I would think reality was the dream and that he would still be alive when I woke.

She called you and you went to his room? to his house?

His room was down the hallway. I was in my room and my mother woke me; she said something’s wrong with your dad come see what’s wrong. and really weird thing when I got in the room. He was sitting almost in like a prayer position. It was really weird. and I went to you know see what was wrong with him. This is very emotional for me (crying). I just realized I didn’t cry enough. He was my best friend.

So that day you went to his room. What did you see there?

He was sitting on his bed and his head was back and his hands was out. it was almost as if something was like pulling the life out, but he seemed to be very at peace with it. so, I grabbed him to see what was wrong. and right there in my arms.

Did you have the opportunity to tell him something?

No I didn’t. I didn’t think he would die because he was young, he was 47. He was in full health. so, I didn’t think it was that bad because it wasn’t like he was sick or something. it was just sudden. and that kick-started all of this journey. It was such a shock for me that I had to rationalize things for a long time because between me dreaming it and it actually happened it had me confused for some time. but then I began to ask a lot of questions. my main question was how could somebody be here and suddenly gone forever ? it’s just really weird for me. it’s like where’d life go? that was something that as a kid stuck with me in my mind so I kept asking this question and I just couldn’t understand how a person could be born and then life just this… like how did life get out of him? this was the question I kept asking myself and then when I realized that death was absolute and it would happen to everyone, then I thought to myself, I said if death is absolute right?, then it must be predetermined. nothing can be so absolute and not predetermined. It’s from this point that something happened to me. I can’t explain what it is but for years I became obsessed with the whole mystic side of life. so I began reading every book I could get my hands on about religion. every religion you can think of I was reading about it. every book that came out that had… if it was talking about life and death, I would read it. Then I started to learn numerology and astrology which started to shed more light on what I had experienced and then there was many stories about you know ancient stories from Egypt about for example the story about Horus and Seth. They say Horus would go to war with Seth every night and Seth would kill Horus and Horus would be reborn in the morning. Horus meaning the sun. it comes from this.. where we get our word hours from. and Seth meaning the sunset or the darkness.

If you would share one understanding from the book that you’re writing that you think can touch people from around the world, what one understanding would it be?

That the DNA has a recording of the full life and the ending of it.

So basically, there is a hidden formula that people can understand when and where they are going to be passing away?

you know it intuitively but because there’s something inside of each human that doesn’t want to look at it you can’t get access to it but the way it happens is the genes they know when and where you’re supposed to die and they take you there. so what may look like a coincidence it’s actually your genetic makeup knowing that it’s your expiry date and it moves you. So throughout life you may think that your thoughts are yours and your ideas are yours but they’re not. The same way you get hungry and it’s not yours, it’s your biology. so your biology knows everything about your life. it knows the ending as well and it doesn’t need your input your thinking or anything to do what it needs to.

Is it destiny within your genes?

Yeah, it’s all within the genes down to every little smallest idea that you have. the thoughts themselves are stimulating from the genetic makeup and there is an overlay on the thinking. so for example you may have an idea that’s yours or something that you want to do. but when you speak the words there is two paths within one sentence and your path kind of put like a some kind of euphoric energy on top of the real. what’s actually really going to play out and so you never get a chance to see it because as long as you think that you’re in control and that it’s your ideas you can never really see what’s the real drive is. but the genes have always been many steps ahead of you before you started to think, they were already pushing your body out. So, you could never get ahead of the genetic makeup. what it seems is that on some kind of way human beings managed to begin thinking which has created a separate reality within a reality.

Kind of the metrics?

Yes. So, your mind is over here but your biology is going that way and it doesn’t care about your ideas and your concepts and your religion and your beliefs, it doesn’t care. you can be living in a life all within your own thinking and this is what a lot of believers do. they create this internal reality within the mind that they live in while simultaneously the biology has taken you to all of these experiences and this is why a lot of times people fall in and out of their belief systems because the reality itself doesn’t match the experience and the belief that they want to have.

Before we conclude this interview, I’m very curious what was the reaction of your father or the soul of your father to this wonderful and deep understanding that you are writing about and talking about right now? was there any inner connection in between you two?

The way I see it is um we’re both the same gene, the same genetic expression. funny thing is my father was born on 6th of December and I was born on the 6th of January, so from the neurological perspective we both born on the same day. but when you add the value of the entire birthday together both our numbers reduce to the same number which is a five. so we have the same numerical frequency.

What does it mean regarding your destiny?

When I look at my life it’s literally a spitting experience of my own father’s life. my father was always traveling and I’m always traveling. there’s a lot of different experiences or different things that I saw him go through, and I look at myself and said this is crazy. it’s almost like the DNA copy paste the reality onto the fabric of space I don’t know how it does it but it has the ability. it’s not just hereditary diseases and things like that in the gene, but the actual experience itself, the the gene knows somehow how to structure your life in a way where it will have the same experiences as your parents.

Michael Rollins, before we conclude, one last sentence that you would like that the international audience would take from this video interview from the new coming book to their hearts. what sentence would it be?

If you simply accept reality as is…  you won’t struggle against it. but it the moment you accept reality for what it is, everything kind of dissipates and there’s no more struggle. This seems to be the thing that happens to people at the moment of death, but if you if you do that in life you’ll see that the struggle that’s happening in your life is being produced by your brain which is unnecessary because the biology doesn’t need it to survive.

Michael Rollins, I want to thank you very much for this unique perspective about life and death thank you very much.

You’re welcome.

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Company Name: Michael Rollins: Time of The Departed – The New Coming Book
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