The First Topic Training Course on the Construction of Teaching Resources for International Chinese Language Education in 2023 Successfully Held

Recently, the first topic training course on the construction of teaching resources for international Chinese language education in 2023 was hosted by the Center for Language Education and Cooperation (CLEC) and ChinesePlus.

Recently, the first topic training course on the construction of teaching resources for international Chinese language education in 2023 was hosted by the Center for Language Education and Cooperation (CLEC) and ChinesePlus. This training course was geared towards the teaching materials developers of the project teams responsible for the project “Construction of Teaching Resources for Chinese Proficiency Grading Standards for International Chinese Language Education”, aiming to upskill the project teams in compiling teaching materials, inspire innovation in the research and development of teaching resources, and enhance the legal awareness of intellectual property rights, hence promoting the high-quality development of construction of teaching resources for international Chinese language education as a whole.

Three thematic training series on various topics were scheduled to be launched this year to meet different needs. Being held online, the first training course attracted 400 participants in 198 teams from domestic and foreign universities, vocational colleges, publishing houses, film and television media institutions, etc.

The opening ceremony was attended and addressed by Song Yongbo, Deputy Director-General of CLEC. He pointed out that with the new situation of international Chinese language education, new requirements were put forward for the construction of teaching resources, and it was required to conduct an in-depth analysis of the issues and inadequacies, so as to vigorously strengthen the construction of teaching resources. This topic training course was of great significance to the construction of teaching resources for international Chinese language education in the new era. On the one hand, it would contribute to the continuous promotion of the Chinese Proficiency Grading Standards for International Chinese Language Education in the new era. On the other hand, it could build a platform for experience exchange among different teams to enhance joint construction of the project. He expressed that the participants should attentively engage in the training course, actively discuss and exchange ideas, and make concerted efforts to build high-quality teaching materials in the new era.

Han Chunyong, Director of the Comprehensive Coordination Office of the Department of National Textbooks of the Ministry of Education, introduced the progress of work on textbooks and the new situation faced in recent years. He proposed that while following the law of communication, the international Chinese language education should fully adapt to the subject characteristics of international Chinese language education and do well in the research and development of teaching materials; it was required to give full play to the ability of telling China stories and vigorously promote international educational exchange and cooperation and mutual appreciation between Chinese and foreign civilizations.

Experts including Professor Ding Anqi from East China Normal University, Associate Professor Sun Yang from China University of Political Science and Law, Professor Zu Xiaomei from Nankai University and Professor Wang Xuesong from Beijing Normal University were invited to conduct topic training on the concept and strategy of high-quality international Chinese language textbook compiling, laws and regulations of education and teaching, interpretation and application of guidance documents, cultural exchange and other aspects.

Based on the current situation of international Chinese language textbooks and her rich experience in textbook compiling, Ding Anqi discussed in depth the concepts and strategies of international Chinese language textbooks compiling in the new era. From the perspective of copyright in education and teaching, Sun Yang presented the legal questions of copyright, patent and other intellectual property rights with case studies and practical answers. Zu Xiaomei analyzed and compared the Framework of Reference for Chinese Culture and Society Teaching in International Chinese Language Education and its application interpretation book, and gave an in-depth interpretation of what should be taught and how in terms of culture in conjuncture with some cultural points. Wang Xuesong creatively interpreted the practical application guidance of the Chinese Proficiency Grading Standards for International Chinese Language Education from the perspective of meaning and content.

Participants attended the lectures actively participated in group interactions and exchanged working experience, discussing experiences and thoughts on the construction of teaching resources for international Chinese language education. Representatives of various groups expressed that they benefited a lot from this training course in terms of the policy guidance, the popularization of laws and regulations and the interpretation of the guidance documents, which helped them gain a deeper understanding of international Chinese language education. They said that they would apply what they learned to the practical construction of teaching resources and make their own contribution to the development of international Chinese language education. At the same time, the participants also expressed their expectations for the next training course, hoping to join in more in-depth offline exchanges and face-to-face seminars in the future under the organization of the CLEC and ChinesePlus, so as to jointly promote the high-quality development of teaching resources for international Chinese language education.

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