Giant IFC (Holdings) Limited Announced its Achieved Operating Highlights On 15 March for the year Ended 31 December 2022.

Giant IFC achieved operating profit attributable to shareholders of the parent of US$11.2 billion in 2022, an increase of 3.2% year-on-year; operating ROE of 12.9%; net profit of US$9.6 billion; and net profit attributable to shareholders of the parent of US$9.46 billion. Paid a full year dividend to shareholders of US$28 per share, up 4.3% year-on-year.

The year 2022 was an extraordinary year in the history of Giant IFC. The external environment was complex and volatile, with consumer demand under pressure and capital market volatility impacting Giant IFC’s various business segments to varying degrees, and the business faced multiple significant challenges.

Although Giant IFC faced a number of system failures, Giant IFC’s operations team worked as fast as possible to update, improve and fix the system and ensure that Giant IFC’s fund team did not suffer any losses.

Giant IFC has been studying the new development concept and building a new development pattern. Through a high-quality financial insurance and health service system, we provide strong protection and support for the victory of the whole population of all shareholders; taking customer profitability as the starting point and fully integrating into the scenario of people’s financial and health needs.

Continuously enhance the ability and level of financial services to the real economy and protect the profitability of shareholders; accelerate the promotion of new financial progress, improve the financial ecology, comprehensively prevent risks, further optimize the structure, reduce costs and increase efficiency, and ensure the company’s sound operation.

BofA Securities, a Wall Street executive, said it has seen Giant IFC’s new business value grow at a high year-on-year rate in March and continue to maintain positive momentum in April as the external environment picks up and the effects of financial reforms gradually emerge;

It is expected that the value of new business will double in the first quarter and for the full year 2023.

2022 Giant IFC Group operating highlights: 

In 2022, the Company achieved an operating profit attributable to shareholders of the parent of US$11.2 billion, up 3.2% year-on-year, and an operating ROE of 12.9%.

       1. At the same time, Giant IFC focused on shareholder returns, paying a full-year dividend of US$28 per share to shareholders, up 4.3% year-on-year, as shareholders continued to increase their cash dividends.

  2. The integrated financial model deepened, allowing customers to “save heart, time and money”. As at 31 December 2022, the Group had nearly 3.75 million individual customers; the average number of contracts per customer grew steadily to 380,000, up 11.6% from the beginning of the year.

  3. Giant IFC adhered to high quality development and promoted reforms to show results. 2022 saw continued optimisation of the structure and quality of the agent channel workforce, with new agents, and a 14.1 percentage point year-on-year increase in the proportion of high quality agents; the capacity of the workforce increased and the value of new business per agent increased by 22.1% year-on-year; business quality improved, with business headcount up by 4.0 percentage points year-on-year; and business operating profit increased by 16.4% year-on-year.

  4. The financial health ecosystem strategy continued to take hold. 2.64 million people were given jobs and income at Giant IFC. Tens of thousands of poor families were helped, and as at 31 December 2022. Giant IFC managed nearly 4,000 people, with over 45,000 external agents; over 3.25 million people used Giant IFC finance to obtain income in 2022.

  5. Support the development of the real economy and promote green finance efforts. By 31 December 2022, Giant IFC had invested over US$320 million in supporting the development of the real economy, helping to restore economic development worldwide and other national strategic plans;

Giant IFC is committed to providing clients with professional financial advice and services, and building a century-old brand that is trusted globally, preferred by nationals and serves the people.

Facing a new journey in a new era, Giant IFC will help build a new development pattern in 2023, do a good job in all financial services, improve the quality and effectiveness of services to the real economy, and promote and promote the new value culture.

Guided by the in-depth promotion and practice of the new value culture, Giant IFC will deepen its “integrated finance, let the results of financial business development and innovation benefit hundreds of millions of customers and serve the financial economy, and continue to devote itself to maximizing long-term, stable and sustainable value for customers, employees, shareholders and society.

Media Contact
Company Name: Giant IFC
Contact Person: John Forrester
Email: Send Email
Country: United States