Bimi Boo Kids, a titan in the realm of children’s entertainment and education, brims with joy as they announce a significant milestone at the illustrious 44th Annual Telly Awards. Their mesmerizing episode, “Bimi Boo’s Underwater Adventure,” from the crowd-favorite series, “The Incredible Stories of Bimi Boo and Friends,” clinched the Silver recognition in two esteemed categories: “General-Children” and “Craft-Use of 3D Animation.” This commendable feat underscores Bimi Boo Kids’ unflinching commitment to a core ethos: delivering unparalleled excellence in the sphere of children’s entertainment.
Eight years strong in the dynamic arena of children’s educational content, Bimi Boo Kids has proven its mettle as an industry pioneer. The company prides itself on its diverse array of products specifically curated for the developmental and creative needs of children under the age of five. This expansive range includes innovative educational apps, high-resolution animated TV series, and artisan-crafted wooden toys, all wrapped under the trusted banner of Bimi Boo Kids.
From modest beginnings as a mobile game developer, Bimi Boo Kids has seen exponential growth over the years, now proudly flaunting a robust portfolio of 18 engaging games for children. The brand’s success is indisputable with Bimi Boo dominating the “Kids under 5” category on the iOS platform, touching the hearts and minds of over 100 million families across the globe.
In 2019, Bimi Boo Kids unveiled their highly celebrated animated series, ‘The Incredible Stories of Bimi Boo and Friends.’ This innovative series beguiles young audiences with its charming characters and incorporates leading child development methodologies. These methodologies guide the learning patterns and visualizations within the series, thus turning entertainment into an exciting and enriching journey for the young audience..
Broadening their horizons beyond digital experiences, Bimi Boo Kids expanded their offerings in 2018 with a unique line of wooden toys. Each piece, intricately designed, sparks imaginative play in children, transforming the much-loved characters of Bimi Boo and friends into tangible companions.
For an immersive experience into the enchanting world of Bimi Boo Kids and their award-winning content, we cordially invite you to visit
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Company Name: Bimi Boo Kids Inc
Contact Person: Elizaveta Miakisheva, PR Manager
Email: Send Email
Country: United States