On Friday, July 22nd 2016, in the historical Station Square, located in the weekend nightlife hub of Pittsburgh, the usual crowds were starting to head out to their favorite watering holes to celebrate the weekend. Inside the Sheraton Hotel however, there was a different sort of crowd. Inside this packed ballroom were some of the most extremely dedicated, passionate and self-disciplined competitors that in all honesty, the average person probably wouldn’t even be able to fathom going through. These athletes came from all around the country to showcase their hard work and incredible results in the 2016 NPC Teen, Collegiate, & Masters National Championships for Bodybuilding, Figure, Bikini, Physique and Classic Physique.
As always, every competitor in this year’s competing class brought with them their own unique story. Whether it be one of perseverance, personal struggle, self-sacrifice or inspirationthis year’s group of sculpted athletes was no different; most notably is the story of Diana Thornton, a Personal Training Manager at Retro Fitness of Jacksonville Florida, owned by former Jacksonville Jaguar QB David Garrard. At a remarkable 60 years old, Diana has changed the game. With her incredible physique, she has singlehandedly broken down barriers and misconceptions about age and what has ultimately pushed the limits as to what people can do regardless of age, gender or any other classifications we put on ourselves. Diana is the living embodiment of the notion quoted by the late Napoleon Hill, “Our only limitations, are those that we set up in our own minds.”
Inspired by her mantra, Pittsburgh’s very own Robert Kresson, CEO of Empire Investigations LLC since 1982 knew he had to team up with such an inspiring individual. Kresson notes that he prides his agency and the teams he uses for his investigations with a similar mantra of “results, not excuses”. This applies in office of course but most notably in the field. With more than 35 years of overall experience in the field, Kresson has surely come across his fair share of challenges and obstacles. He states “when it’s someone’s life in the balance, whether it be for a fair divorce or especially the safety of a child, there just are no excuses in this business. You have to find a way to get the job done”. We congratulate Diana for her amazing success and can’t wait to see what else is in store for her!
Keep up with Diana on her Facebook Page, Diana L. Thornton and visit Empire Investigations at www.areyoususpicious.com and “Get Results, Not Excuses!”
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