January 02, 2017— The crowd funding campaign, The Global Harmony Plan, will kick off 2017 with a renewed mission to end racism, repairing/protection of the planet, and promote an equal and democratic ethos across the world. The plan, which has been in the making for over 25 years, intends to accomplish its vision of a world community that has abolished racism, violence, achieved sustainability, and taken a leap towards wisdom, kindness, compassion, happiness and harmony for all.
Just like previous years the world in 2017 is likely to be torn with war, intolerance and racial hatred. Therefore, we badly need more true democracy, peace, compassion and sustainability. The 3-phase and 7-strategy plan, prepared by Cobz, Founder and Guide, The Global Harmony Plan, is the product of his years of experiences and collected wisdom while tackling racism and violence across the world. Cobz started out with ‘walking billboards’, eco T-shirts that carried anti-racism messages, and the journey culminated in discovering the root causes of racism that includes poverty, the environment, a lack of education and politics.
The Global Harmony Plan comprises seven strategies offering financial support to global organizations tackling the protection and repairing of our planet, sharing democratic means and wisdom for selecting the best options, and promoting non-violence, anti-racism, and values such as sustainability, wisdom, kindness and peace. It also intends to support local ‘eco-preneurs’, market wise choice products and services that make the world better, and share a model that can be duplicated for creating green built and self-sustainable communities.
Cobz was born in New York City to Canadian parents, and identified himself as a ‘world child’ while young. By age ten, he had lived in countries like Peru, Canada, Spain and Thailand. Ignited with the mission to end racism, Cobz discovered the basic tools for achieving his aim by running various companies and as a partner in a textile marketing firm, a partner in a business opportunity company, the director of marketing for a publicly traded eLearning company and an executive in several real estate companies.
“Early in my life, I realized that financial success in today’s world was akin to ‘winning Poker games on the Titanic’. The Global Harmony Plan aims to create a world that is peaceful, sustainable, and joyful for all. I believe we have the power to create heaven on earth and beyond if we have a plan in place for its achievement, and we each individually choose to play a part in its realization,” says Cobz.
Contributions to The Global Harmony Plan will launch the first stage that offers a fundraising strategy with profits going to needy people, schools, clubs, churches and non-profits. The plan will begin laying the foundation for a world that is sustainable, non-violent, inclusive, peaceful and a place where children and adults can live without fear. All citizens of the planet can participate, act locally, promote the Global Harmony Symbol that represents non-violence, anti-racism, sustainability, peace, compassion, democratic wisdom, holistic and kindness.
For more Information, please visit: www.GlobalHarmonyPlan.org
Media Contact
Company Name: Global Harmony Promotions
Contact Person: COBZ
Email: COBZ@GlobalHarmonyPlan.org
Phone: +1 250 575 1755
Country: Canada
Website: http://www.globalharmonyplan.org/