A book coded for power, a journey to realizing the fullness and beauty of that power

A book coded for power, a journey to realizing the fullness and beauty of that power

VEVAY, Ind. – “Ahn’s awakening” is a book directly aimed at young girls to discover the magic of women’s menstrual cycles and awaken the feminine path to power. This book is coded for power, and the journey to realizing the fullness and beauty of that power, lies in the rhythm and change of your menstrual cycle.

Author Susan Heitzman, writes a ten-chapter story of a pre-historic girl named Ahn. The heroine and her family walks in a North American forest that guided their understanding of life and death. During this journey, Ahn notices monumental changes in her physical body and her soul as her first menstrual period begins. The story includes blank lines for journaling to the left of the written word.

“Ahn’s Awakening” tells a raw story about feminine power. It reveals a woman’s inner architecture and the path to power that is encoded in a woman’s body. It also reveals the changes of one’s body through the menstrual cycle and gives input on how to tune in to its rhythm to realize the fullness and beauty of a woman’s authenticity.

The book presents a  mystical perspective on menstruation. Ahn’s journey maps and guides young girls through the challenges presented by a menstrual cycle.  Crucial to providing a good transition experience is the mother, grandmother, mentor.

The pages are both informative and helpful for learning about the menstrual cycle in all its phases. It also has implied direction on how to work with a woman’s cycle, to channel spiritual forces, affirm expression in the world, and achieve a deep sense of belonging. This book teaches readers to pay attention to one’s self and is written with honesty, tenderness and practicality, and packed with enlightening quotes. “Ahn’s Awakening” will restore women to wholeness and reinstate the full majesty and grace of the feminine.

“Ahn’s Awakening”

By Susan Heitzman
Kindle | $2.99 | 978-1-64367-121-5
Paperback | $9.99 | 978-1643671079
Available on URLink Print & Media, Amazon, Barnes & Noble and other online book retailers

About the Author

Susan Jo Heitzman’s roles as daughter, wife, mother, and grandmother prepared her to receive the gift of the story she now calls “Ahn’s Awakening”. The story came from her daydream about what a girl’s nomadic life in the forest might have been like thousands of years ago. Susan Michelle Burton, a former psychologist who taught human sexuality courses, assisted Susan Jo with editing and revising. Dr. Burton also writes children’s stories. Susan Jo is a retired educator and a former Bed and Breakfast owner. She loves nature and feels compelled to walk outdoors on wooded trails as often as possible. She added to her resume in 2014 by winning the Democratic Primary as a candidate for U.S. Congress. Her love of our natural environment guided her candidacy. The two Susan’s have a strong desire for this book to reach families before their beloved daughters experience their first menstrual periods.

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