A Tennessee based Hobby Farm launches Kickstarter Campaign for its Goat Milk Cosmetics!

Now Seeking Community Support via Kickstarter, Just Kidd’n Ewe Farms is a Family Owned Hobby Farm that Raises Milk Goats to create Quality Beauty Products!

Just Kidd’n Ewe Farms is a small American family owned hobby farm based in Tennessee that raises milk goats to create high quality soap bars, lotions and scents. The farm has recently launched a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter to raise funds and support for these products and it is welcoming generous backing. Moreover, the goal of this recently launched crowdfunding campaign is to raise a sum of $15,000 and everyone is being encouraged to help the veteran family.

“We offer handmade, all-natural rich soap bars, foaming hand soaps as well as hand and body lotions,” said Terry Lackey, while introducing the Just Kidd’n Ewe Farms to the Kickstarter community. “We’re proud to say that all of our soaps and lotions are made from goat milk and that when you purchase our products, you can expect to enjoy many great benefits,” she added.

The Kickstarter Campaign is located on the web at:

www.kickstarter.com/projects/885722963/natural-skin-care and backers from around the world can support this project for these organic beauty products by making generous pledges and donations. The project offers rewards with nationwide shipping across the United States and the campaign is already creating a major buzz. More details are available on the Kickstarter campaign page of the project.

About This Project

Just Kidd’n Ewe Farms is a family owned and operated hobby farm in Tennessee, United States. The farm has several goats that produce milk, which is used to create soap bars, lotions and other organic products. Furthermore, the family is currently raising funds and support for the hobby farm on Kickstarter, where they are welcoming everyone to generously pledge.

Media Contact
Company Name: Just Kidd’n Ewe Farms, LLC
Contact Person: Terry Lackey
Email: Send Email
Phone: 4238180101
City: Ten Mile
State: Tennessee
Country: United States
Website: www.kickstarter.com/projects/885722963/natural-skin-care