Adam Winston James Is Ready to Help Students Learn Finance. The mission stretches well beyond just teaching students about some basic concepts and trying to help on a small scale. He wants to help everyone experience financial freedom. The last thing he wants to see is someone else falling into the same situation he did. Therefore, Adam Winston James is securing the financial future of America’s youth, one lesson at a time.
James grew up in a middle-class family, where discussions about finances and credit were limited to the topics’ bare-bones, essential elements. Adam Winston James has had his share of ups and downs in life.
As time went by, he acquired more knowledge about finances and even earned a master’s degree. He then started a real estate business that generated over seven figures a year.
Unfortunately, fate can be cruel from time to time. The year 2008 brought one of the worst financial crashes in history, and Adam lost everything. He went bankrupt, lost his home, and it was all he could do to stay afloat during this time.
When all of the dust settled from the crash, and Adam finally saw a path to redemption, he vowed that he would never find himself in this situation again.
Furthermore, he wanted to teach kids who did not have a background education in finance to avoid the same fate he experienced.
He has started a teaching campaign focused on educating youth about financial literacy for these reasons. He plans to teach his course in at least ten different schools by the end of 2022.
The Current Financial Literacy Problem in America
For those readers wondering if there is genuinely a need for financial literacy education, look no further than the data:
● Nearly 18 percent of students report no idea how to build a budget or interpret an invoice.
● High schoolers’ financial literacy exam scores demonstrated that the average student could answer less than half of the questions correctly.
● Less than 30 percent of students are familiar with the term inflation, and fewer still can explain what inflation means.
America does not have a largely financially literate society. Students learn very little about finances until they are graduated from college or out in the world working, and by then, it is sometimes too late.
There is a pressing need for financial education in our schools, and people like Adam Winston James are leading the charge toward educating the youth so that they can become productive members of society that are not left out to dry, should we ever encounter another financial crisis such as the one seen in 2008.
Financial Literacy in School
It is not as easy as it sounds to introduce a relatively dull topic such as financial literacy to a group of students. These kids would much rather play sports or spend their time doing just about anything else.
For this reason, financial literacy concepts need to be presented in easily-digestible ways so that students can understand these topics and begin to grasp how important it is to build a solid financial foundation.
Case in point, it would not be easy for most students, who have no background in finance, to understand a presentation on the implications of inflation. However, it would be much easier for the same students to know how to create “wants and needs” lists and other items related to basic budgeting.
Subjects like math, language arts, biology, and history are incredibly vital for successfully educating society’s youth. No one would debate that point. However, the importance of financial education is often considered unnecessary. The subject is seen as something students will learn later on.
Once a person is working, raising a family, and navigating through life, it can be nearly impossible to learn about finances. This is especially true if a person has fallen on hard times. Those who have lost their jobs and have had no income for a time cannot afford to devote much effort to learning about finances. Instead, they need to quickly figure out how to feed their families and keep a roof over their heads.
Once students develop a baseline understanding of some of the most core principles of finance, they can build on this knowledge. These students can soon begin to learn about and even participate in lucrative ventures which were formerly only reserved for the wealthiest members of society.
Broadly, the concept of investing is one of the most complex topics found under the financial literacy umbrella. It is tough to follow sound investment strategies without a significant background of knowledge in the subject.
This is why many successful investors come from wealthy families who have learned how to invest themselves properly. Many middle-class people feel intimidated by the prospect of investing and shy away from the strategy altogether.
Similarly, credit can be a somewhat tricky concept to grasp. So many people find themselves buried in debt when they begin using credit for large purchases. It feels almost like using free money when a person can swipe a credit card and buy virtually anything they want.
Nevertheless, misusing credit can cause devastating consequences, nearly impossible to recover from. For instance, having a low credit score makes it almost impossible to make a big purchase such as a home, as lenders will be unwilling to work with someone who does not seem to grasp good financial strategies.
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Company Name: Winston James Inc.
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