Los Angeles, CA – December 12, 2017 –
Prepare for an adventure of a lifetime.
TriCoast Entertainment was proud to collaborate with Cadereyta Films and directors, Pablo Aldrete, Miguel Bonilla, Miguel Angel Uriegas and Jaime Romandia to distribute the family, animated film, “THE STONE BOY”, starring the voices of Melissa Gedeón as Marina, Emilio Rafael as Tito and Melisa Gutiérrez as Teté.
“THE STONE BOY” centers on Marina and her cousins, Tito, Tato and Teté awaiting the town’s fair, located in the colorful, tropical valley of the Huasteca Tamaulipeca.
But, when the highly anticipated day arrives, prize winning and popcorn is replaced with an adventure of a lifetime.
At the fair, the kids encounter “The Stone Boy”, a boy who has turned to stone to reflect his cold, hatred anger with life. Together, the kids adventure on a magical journey to the Land of Senses, in hopes that they can restore the stone boy to his former human self.
“THE STONE BOY” shares the vital message of helping one another and working together. By combining the strong, family-oriented messages with the colorful visual design and imaginative characters, any family is guaranteed to enjoy traveling with Marina, Tito, Tato, Teté, and even the stone boy through the Land of Senses.
“There are characters the children encounter that range from adorable Mogwai-like ear creatures to bizarre anthropomorphic noses, and I honestly spent the movie curious what new creature was going to show up next,” said Dominique Meyer from Critical Movie Critics.
As well, “THE STONE BOY” features the sweet, high-quality short soundtrack of the film, by Los Angeles native producer, actress, and singer, Nita Whitaker.
Whitaker is best known for her notable roles in “The Bodyguard” (1992), “The Ten Commandments: The Musical” (2006), and “The Ides of March” (2011) featuring Hollywood favorite, Ryan Gosling. Whitaker’s musical career has been extremely successful with her various performances with distinguished celebrities including Celine Dion, Barbara Streisand, and Stevie Wonder. Additionally, she was honored as a guest performer at The Freedom Awards, honoring Oprah Winfrey, President Bill Clinton, and actress, Ruby Dee.
To find out more information about Whitaker, visit her site here: http://nitawhitaker.com/
Listen to Whitaker’s soulful and enchanting soundtrack while adventuring through the mystical and imaginary land of childhood innocence and happiness on VOD platforms such as iTunes and Amazon. Watch today: http://amzn.to/2BU4qjd.
“THE STONE BOY” is a family-fun film that children of all ages will enjoy, especially 4 – 12 year olds. “THE STONE BOY” is available in both English and Spanish.
Watch “THE STONE BOY” trailer here: https://vimeo.com/188881267.
THE STONE BOY (2017, 70 min.) Directed by Pablo Aldrete, Miguel Bonilla, Miguel Angel Uriegas and Jaime Romandia. Editor: Jamie Romandia and Miguel Angel Uriegas. Cinematographer: Miguel Angel Uriegas. Original Music: Gerardo Flores. US, English. Cadereyta Films and TriCoast Entertainment.
About TriCoast Entertainment:
A new home for story-driven American films, TriCoast Entertainment is a full service media company that creates, produces, manages and distributes unique and unusual entertainment. Bringing together filmmakers, distributors, financiers, and technologists, TriCoast Entertainment embraces change by redefining the production and distribution model for indie filmmakers, providing them with low cost tools, financing, and worldwide theatrical and digital distribution, along with market feedback and storytelling opportunities.
Media Contact
Company Name: TriCoast Entertainment
Contact Person: Jenna Wilen
Email: jenna@tricoast.com
Phone: 310 458 7707
Address:11124 Washington Blvd
City: Culver City
State: CA
Country: United States
Website: http://www.tricoastworldwide.com