Miami, FL – AFRIKIN® is a platform that curates the arts and culture of people of color, as we advance our ingenuity and promise across the Diaspora. The term AFRIKIN® is the fusion of two words “Africa (the continent) and Kinship (a sharing of characteristics or origins)”. Through art, fashion, talks, food, innovation and performance, AFRIKIN® provides a safe space online and off to connect with our brothers and sisters – our AFRIKIN – in the languages of the people. The online residence is
AFRIKIN® recognizes the disconnection of people of color around the world despite facing similar social injustices, discrimination, and political and economic oppression. In a time where the mainstream media inspires distrust, the arts alone tell the true tales of the people. Street historians create the melodic sounds and visually arresting images of the struggle and don apparel reflective of the collective identity of a culture. Necessity and ingenuity contribute to innovation and technological advances seldom showcased, while the evolution of cuisine speaks to a people’s resources, diet influencing their physical and mental health. Dialogue moves past the barbershops and town halls to the global space to establish and dismantle the status quo across the Diaspora.
Where people of African descent search for camaraderie and commiseration, AFRIKIN® encourages participants to learn from and teach one another through experiences and perspectives in hopes of creating a new cohesive identity exclusive of the labels thrust upon us for centuries by colonizers. AFRIKIN® eschews the concept of a melting pot, where individuality is eliminated in favor of homogeneity, and instead promotes the casserole – a unifying dish of distinct flavors and textures coming together harmoniously.
Where emphasis has been on searching for answers in fractured historical anecdotes, AFRIKIN® leads with an understanding of our contemporaries worldwide, a strong base to develop significant changes on a massive scale. Hearing the voice of the people is necessary for agents of change to upend current conditions affecting our people including education, healthcare, employment, and more. Through online social interactions and a variety of live events, AFRIKIN is the touchstone by which we will be known forever by moving beyond color – a construct not recognized worldwide – and relating to each other by our roots, a common geographical source.
Our latest event AFRIKIN® 2018 | Art • Culture • Community will be held in South Florida, May 19thin celebration of the theme “Black is Beautiful” that coincides with Malcolm X’s earth-strong and will host a pedigree of renowned influencers in activism, education, fashion, politics, technology, and the arts to discuss the ways we can affect social and economic progress in our communities today.
Team AFRIKIN® is a dedicated and accomplished group of creatives, tastemakers as well as fine arts, entertainment, international relations, marketing, media and production professionals who together pool our expertise to create cultural events unlike any other. As a leading provider of live entertainment in the U.S., our services range from event management and programming to booking first-rate performing artists and developing effective campaigns. Our team’s unparalleled skill in creating new experiences with a social impact demonstrates how creative people use their efforts to solve problems.
For further information:
Media Contact
Company Name: AFRIKIN®- Black Art & Culture
Contact Person: Christy J
Phone: +13059005523
Country: United States