Amari Lani, otherwise known as Zari Dakari, is a young talented author, writer, and poet who is poised with using her talent to impact the lives of millions of people across the globe. She recently published another masterpiece in “Through This Journey, You Are Still Here,” where she sets the path for self-reflection, encouraging readers, especially teens and young people, to use their voice to speak life into people and to inspire the world around them.
The work from the burgeoning young author will go a long way in offering relief to young people worldwide and probably curb the increasing rate of suicide, especially in Georgia, with recent reports from the National Vital Statistics putting Georgia among the top three states where suicide rates have increased among young people 10-24. Therefore, Amari Lani is looking to change the narrative with her recent compilation of inspirational poems as published in “Through This Journey, You Are Still Here.”
The poetic masterpiece has already started to garner reviews from readers across the globe. “Hemingway said that good writing is true writing. This is good writing. Written from the soul it has touched mine. When something that someone has written can get that far into me it’s done something special. This book is special,” said Stephen P. Harvey.
The timeliness of the book release cannot be better, considering that millions of young people worldwide currently face difficult times as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and other related issues. Each story in the book has a message that every reader can easily relate to and help them grow from their experiences.
“Through This Journey, You Are Still Here” addresses issues such as heartache, disappointment, and love.
The paperback edition of the book is currently available on Amazon and Amari Lani has also released the Kindle Ebook to reach more readers.
For more information about “Through This Journey, You Are Still Here” and other works from Amari Lani, please visit –
About Amari Lani
Amari Lani, also known as Zari Dakari, is a young adult author, writer, and poet who began writing during her sophomore year of high school. Over the years, she has honed her skills and has been featured at the Young Writers Expo, several podcasts, and in the DeKalb County Public Library.
Media Contact
Company Name: Through This Journey, You Are Still Here
Contact Person: Amari Lani aka Zari Dakari
Email: Send Email
Country: United States