In the summer of 1967, beneath the quiet canopy of Columbia City, Indiana, two young souls from vastly different backgrounds found themselves drawn together in the unlikeliest of places – the local Kroger grocery store. She, a sixteen-year-old cashier named Carol, and he, a seventeen-year-old night stocker, embarked on a journey that would transcend time and circumstance, igniting a love story more profound than the greatest storms and more poetic than the verses of Shakespeare.
Their love story took an unexpected turn when, as newlyweds, Paul was drafted and sent to the turbulent battlegrounds of Vietnam, leaving Carol to navigate the trials of separation and uncertainty. Yet, in the face of adversity, their commitment and unwavering faith in each other and in Christ held them close, defying the odds that threatened to pull them apart.
But even the strongest bonds can be tested, and there came a moment when Carol and Paul stood at the precipice of divorce, their hearts heavy with hurt and longing. It was in this crucible of pain that they discovered an inspiring lesson, a testament to the enduring power of love and the resilience of the human spirit.
Paul, a brilliant businessman, ascended to the ranks of senior vice president with Kroger. Yet, this ascent was not without its share of trials. From the very beginning of their marriage, Paul made a solemn vow to Carol – to provide her with everything she ever dreamt or imagined. Remarkably, he remained steadfast to this promise, even on the very last day of his life.
About the Author
Carol Scutt, a gifted storyteller and a witness to the remarkable tapestry of love, is the author of “Lost Without Him.” A native of Indiana, Carol’s life has been deeply intertwined with the extraordinary journey she shares in her book. Through her eloquent words, she captures not only the essence of enduring love but also the strength of faith that sustained her and Paul through life’s trials. “Lost Without Him” is a testament to her ability to evoke emotions and inspire readers with a timeless story of love, commitment, and resilience.
Explore their remarkable journey in “Lost Without Him” – Available now on Amazon.
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