“Winds of Eruna” is set in a world where the wind never ceases, and its inhabitants are divided into two distinct groups: the winged beings known as “Wings” and the wingless beings derogatorily referred to as “Grubs.” As tradition dictates, every winged child must attend Cliffside School to undergo education and training, preparing them for the Wind Trials—a test they must pass to become Wind Dancers and gain access to the study of magic.
At the heart of the story is a young winglet, gifted and determined, who sets her sights on the legendary Cliffside despite its distance. She seeks the aid of her grandfather, leader of the Clans of the Northern Plateaus, and a band of warriors to embark on a perilous journey to reach her destination. Little does she know that her arrival at Cliffside will set in motion a series of events that will shape the fate of Eruna.
Within the hallowed halls on the limbs of the enormous trees comprising Cliffside, two eighth-level students have undergone a profound ritual called the “Desideratum,” which binds them together in love and marks them as future life-mates. However, their paths are fraught with challenges as the young wingwoman, daughter of the High Matriarch of the Eight Realms, her mother succumbs to dark magic and harbors sinister plans for Eruna. Meanwhile, the young wingman, son of the lowliest Tree’s Patriarch, seeks revenge with the aid of a powerful demonic creature, determined to reclaim what he believes was taken from him.
Amidst this intricate tapestry of fate, the wingless people of Eruna, living between the roots of the giant trees, find solace and happiness despite their enslaved existence. Yet, one young man’s dreams of a brighter future are shattered during the Turn of Winds, propelling him on a personal quest that will challenge his resilience and redefine his place in this wondrous world.
Quoting the author, Kathy Hyatt Moore, she shares, “In the Winds of Eruna,’ I invite readers to immerse themselves in a realm where magic, courage, and destiny intertwine. Through the journeys of diverse characters, I explore themes of love, identity, and the pursuit of freedom. It is my hope that this book will transport readers to a world that sparks their imagination and leaves them eagerly awaiting the next installment.”
“Winds of Eruna, Book One: A Flight of Wings,” by Kathy Hyatt Moore is now available for purchase on Amazon and visit her website for more details at www. kathyhyattmoorebooks.com . Prepare to be captivated by a spellbinding tale that will sweep you away to a world of wonder and adventure.
About the Author:
Kathy Hyatt Moore is an accomplished author whose imagination knows no bounds. With a penchant for crafting immersive worlds and compelling characters, Moore weaves tales that resonate with readers across genres. In the Winds of Eruna,” she showcases her storytelling prowess and invites readers on a thrilling journey through a land brimming with magic and intrigue.
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