Portland, Oregon – Rebecca Rodriguez, a successful and critically acclaimed filmmaker, with over a decade of experience in producing eye-opening films, is excited to share her new Kickstarter Campaign to produce How Could She? A documentary that will explore the emotionally charged climate among American women in the wake of the events surrounding the 2016 presidential election.
How Could She will take Rodriguez and company to the historic Women’s March in Washington D.C. on January 21st, then throughout the country to assess thoughts and feelings of women who voted for Trump, who voted for Clinton, and who opted to sit the whole thing out. They will also speak with important cultural figures, to gain insight, perspective and guidance for women during this contentious time.
“We are a group of passionate advocates and artists who, like so many, are reeling from recent events,” said Rodriguez. “The questions, concerns, anger, and heartbreak is immense and it lays over us like a wet, suffocating blanket.”
Video Link: http://www.youtube.com/embed/Q2CU3dVRyXo
How Could She? is currently seeking Kickstarter support and financial backing for the official production and editing costs. It is an all-or-nothing campaign, needing $40,000 to complete the project. Rodriguez is asking everyone to consider donating to this timely and powerful cause. “This documentary will help move us closer to a deeper understanding of one another and hopefully inspire a productive dialogue between women of all backgrounds,” said Rodriguez.
For more information, visit: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/luckyheadfilms/how-could-she-a-documentary?ref=nav_search
To support this project, visit www.howcouldshe.com and visit them on Facebook at: www.facebook.com/howcouldshethefilm
Media Contact
Company Name: How Could She (Documentary)
Contact Person: Rebecca Rodriguez
Email: rebecca@rebrod.com
Phone: 360-936-6659
Country: United States
Website: www.howcouldshe.com