“Bad Practice” is the first medical office comedy produced and written by African American women, and the web series is set to officially premiere on YouTube on October 5. Co-written and produced by Jewell Parker, an African American nurse practitioner, the comedy series parodies the real-life experiences of healthcare workers and patients.
“Jewell’s experience is felt in nearly every episode of the show. All of the patients that you see were either her patients or patients a co-worker described to her,” said creator Niemi. “We’re going to show people the good, the bad, and even the ugly associated with being a worker in medical practice,” she continued.
The hilariously raunchy comedy delivers the interesting daily routine of medical practitioners through the mayhem of a lovably dysfunctional cast, as front desk workers, Vivian and Alexis, embark on their careers at Perimeter Medical Clinic, a medical office crammed full of unpredictable staffers and patients.
“I personally think a lot of shows try to whitewash African American characters,” Ms. Niemi said. “We wanted to come up with an original show with cast members that reminded us of people we knew: a diverse group with real experiences,” Niemi continued.
The writers of the show, Nat and Jewell aim to deliver a representation of their voices and perspectives as African American women working in the fields of the arts and medicine. The duo seems to be doing amazingly well in this regards as the trailer of “Bad Practice” has continued to garner reviews, with tons of viewers across the globe anticipating the premiere of the web series.
Each episode of “Bad Practice” delivers about 8 minutes of premium entertainment to the audience, offering an amazing blend of entertaining yet thought-provoking content. The episodes were filmed in Atlanta, George, featuring a homegrown cast of up-and-coming actors and actresses.
“Bad Practice” is coming from the stables of the award-winning film production company, 22nd Century Media, as Nat Niemi and her team put together another masterpiece for lovers of television entertainment across the globe.
For more information about “Bad Practice” and keeping up with the series, please visit – www.Badpracticeseries.com. The trailer to the web series can also be found on Facebook and YouTube.
Media Contact
Company Name: 22nd Century Media
Contact Person: Nat Niemi
Email: Send Email
Country: United States
Website: https://www.facebook.com/BadPracticeWebSeries