Acupuncture isn’t used by the common ordinary person in Italy. Two Italian MDs are working on changing that scene. To do that they invited the Danish acupuncturist John Boel to Italy.
“I was invited down there to teach 30 MDs that are already practicing acupuncture how to get the fastest possible results with acupuncture. The goal is to make the results so good that more and more people want acupuncture treatments,” John Boel explains.
The two MDs that first invited John Boel run the largest Italian Acupuncture academy – Association of Medical Acupuncturists of Bologna The Academy is located in Bologna, a city which is proud of having the oldest university in Europe (founded 1088 AD) containing the most prestigious medical faculty in Italy.
“My job was to train them in a modern form of acupuncture named AcuNova. AcuNova is especially effective in the treatment of pain and eye diseases.
To be honest I am quite proud having been invited down there. They don’t allow many non-medical doctors to be their teacher.
For Boel Akupunktur it is also helpful. One of the participants is the great ophthalmologist Valeria Vannucci She participated in a seminar held by John Boel in Denmark 8 years ago. In the following years she documented exactly what happens in the eyes when we treat glaucoma, thrombosis in the eyes and other eye diseases.
Boel Akupunktur doesn’t have the equipment to perform these types of examinations and it is of imperative help for me that it’s at last documented how acupuncture works in treating eye diseases,” John Boel says.
In Denmark there are about 1000 acupuncturists in a population of 5,5 million. Italy only has 2000 acupuncturists to treat a population of 55 million.
You are not allowed to practice acupuncture in Italy unless you are a MD. That isn’t needed in Denmark. You don’t have to be a MD to train as a physiotherapist or as a chiropractor either. Those strict rules have caused acupuncture to become less widespread in Italy than in most European countries.
“They are very good technically. I have seldom seen a group which knew the theory of acupuncture and the location of the points that well. It’s actually only necessary to show them how to combine the original traditional Chinese acupuncture with the modern AcuNova acupuncture to achieve the best results,” John Boel explains.
John Boel is a second generation acupuncturist and was trained in Sri Lanka when he was only 16. He owns Boel Akupunktur which is the largest acupuncture company in Denmark with clinics in Copenhagen, Arhus, Odense and Aulum. Every week 700 treatments take place in the four clinics.
Contact information:
Boel Akupunktur
T: +4597875800
Homepage of Boel Akupunktur:
Industrivej N 22
DK-7490 Aulum,
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Contact Person: Boel Akupunktur
Phone: +4597875800
Address:Industrivej N 22, DK-7490 Aulum
Country: Denmark