Captivating New Urban Fiction Tells the Story of One Woman’s Journey Towards Spiritual Fulfillment

Captivating New Urban Fiction Tells the Story of One Woman's Journey Towards Spiritual Fulfillment

Louisiana – A new book, ‘The Devil Picked the Girls But They Watched the Angels’ by author BC ‘Cat’ Bloomer is set to take readers on an emotional rollercoaster ride as she pens Kathleen’s experiences growing up in the late 60s, 70s, and 80s. The book offers a compelling insight into the lives of two girls who grew up in the dysfunctional worlds of their fathers, marked by broken identities, mental illness, sex, drugs, and violence that almost altered the course of their young lives.

Despite the challenges, Kathleen held onto her faith, finding solace in a scripture passage given to her by her great grandmother, Joshua 1-9. It was this scripture that gave her the courage to challenge the spiritual darkness and ultimately saved her life.

Years later, Kathleen would come to understand the significance of her actions in accepting God’s word, using it to help her mother and good friend escape their toxic situations, allowing them to live their best lives. In the end, Kathleen was also able to salvage a remnant of her personal desires and dreams.

The book is a testament to lasting friendships, love, crime, betrayal, loss, and spiritual redemption. One reader called this book a “riveting account of perseverance and a testimony of how faith in God can sustain you…” Kathleen’s journey shows that the eternal God her great grandmother encouraged her to follow in 1968 is still alive and well, extending love, strength, healing, and hope. The book demonstrates that biblical truths are still applicable in today’s society, just as they were in 1968 when her great grandmother passed away when she was just seven years old.

Kathleen’s book is a timeless and captivating story about life and death, resilience, and triumph over adversity. It will inspire readers to find hope, healing, and redemption in their own lives.

The book is now available for purchase online through Amazon US and worldwide. To order your copy in eBook or Paperback, visit the Amazon page.

Media Contact
Company Name: BC “Cat” Bloomer
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Phone: 888-208-4739
State: Louisiana
Country: United States