Worldwide markets are poised to achieve continuing growth as the athletes, the people exercising in sports gyms, and aging population worldwide needs homecare oxygen treatment.
Recreational oxygen is different from medical oxygen. The professional athletes use recreational oxygen. Sports club members are expected to widely adopt use of recreational oxygen. Oxygen bars are commonly used by singers and movie stars to improve the vocal cord quality and skin tone. All these uses of oxygen are anticipated to grow. The O2 is the same in recreational oxygen as it is in the medical oxygen, the chemical composition is the same. But medical oxygen is delivered under a prescription and used as a medicine, recreational oxygen is used to improve athletic endurance and improve brain functioning.
Older people develop dementia and other conditions. Oxygen use by these people is able to improve the quality of the life in a dramatic manner. Portable oxygen devices have become affordable and support a mobile lifestyle that is extended to a broader set of people by use of recreational oxygen selectively, continuing to drive sales of recreational oxygen and oxygen bar concentrator air filtration units.
In all the world, the athletes, the movie stars, and the casinos have in common the use of supplemental oxygen. But, because the FDA does not approve the use of supplemental oxygen except for severe COPD, the physicians are basically left out of this trend. They universally poo poo the value of supplemental oxygen for consumer markets, calling supplemental oxygen a placebo. From this, they might not be too far off as a placebo is basically pure sugar, rendering a boost in energy though that is probably not their meaning as they offer no encouragement for getting supplemental oxygen. The FDA classifies oxygen as a drug and physicians are bound to honor the leadership of the FDA.
Boost supplemental oxygen is called aviator oxygen, as differentiated from medical oxygen. By this, it is meant that the aviator oxygen is delivered manually by the user by a push of a button in contrast to medical oxygen that is delivered in a stream, either continuous or pulsed. This is a significant difference.
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Companies Profiled
Market Leaders
- Boost Oxygen
- Zadro
- AirSep
Market Participants
- Chart Industries
- Chart Caire / AirSep / Sequal
- Drive Medical / DeVilbiss Healthcare
- Drive Medical / DeVilbiss Healthcare
- Foshan Keyhub Electronic Industries Co., Ltd.
- Inogen
- Jiuxin Medical
- Leistung Engineering
- Live O2 Oxygen
- Longfian Scitech
- Oxygen Plus
- Oxygen Plus / Summit Oxygen
- Philips Healthcare
- Philips Respironics
- POD Oxygen
- Weyergans High Care AG
- Yuwell
- Zadro Health Solutions
- Zorvo Portable O2 Generator
- Zoom
- 2nd Wind Distributors
Key Topics
- Oxygen Concentrator
- Bottled Oxygen
- Recreational Oxygen
- Portable Oxygen
- Home Oxygen Equipment
- Consumer Oxygen
- Sports Club Oxygen
- Managed Exercise Care
- Non Medical Health Care
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Table Of Contents – Major Key Points
1. Consumer Oxygen Equipment: Market Description and Market Dynamics 35
1.1 Value of Exercise 35
1.2 Protecting the Brain 38
1.3 Respiration 39
1.3.1 Supplemental Oxygen Good for People Exercising After They Begin to Have Difficulty Breathing 42
1.4 Oxygen Equipment Separates Oxygen From Air 42
1.4.1 Portable Oxygen Concentrator Functions 43
1.5 Oxygen / Ozone Therapy to Strengthen Immune System 44
1.6 Long History of Supplemental Oxygen Improving Sports Performance 45
1.7 Supplemental Oxygen to Improve Brain Functioning 47
1.7.1 Mountaineering Use of Supplemental Oxygen 50
1.7.2 Summit Oxygen ALTOX Personal Oxygen System 52
1.8 Oxygen Concentrator Uses 53
1.8.1 Stationary Oxygen Concentrator Functions 53
1.8.2 Separation Of Oxygen From Air 54
1.8.3 Technical Trade-Offs Necessary To Design An Oxygen Concentrator 55
1.9 Fatigue and Oxygen 55
4. Selected Consumer Oxygen Research and Technology 188
4.1 FDA Oxygen Alert 188
4.1.1 List of firms and their products subject to Detention without Physical Examination (DWPE) under this Import Alert (a.k.a. Red List) 191
4.2 Harvard Medical School Study on Energy 193
4.2.1 Energy and Oxygen 193
4.3 Sports Oxygen 194
4.3.1 Placebo Effect 194
4.3.2 Examples of Measuring the Placebo Effect 196
4.4 Blood Color 197
4.4.1 Bohr effect 198
4.5 OHS Patient Symptoms 204
4.5.1 OHS Treatments with Oxygen 205
4.5.2 OHS Indicates that Blood Oxygen Saturation and Shortness of Breath Are Separate 205
4.6 Oxygen Useful for Post-Concussion Syndrome 207
4.7 Blood Doping: Lance Armstrong 207
4.7.1 Blood Transfusions Used By Athletes To Engage In Blood Doping. 208
4.7.2 Seven-Year Study of Lance Armstrong 208
4.8 Oxygen Research Directions 209
4.9 Co2 In Air 210
4.9.1 Chemistry of the Body 211
4.10 Need for Oxygen at Higher Altitudes 211
4.10.1 Difficulty That Physicians Have In Detecting Hypoxemia 213
4.10.2 Dyspnea, Shortness of Breath 214
4.11 Maximum Rate Of Oxygen (O2) Consumption By The Body During Exercise 215
4.11.1 Patients with OHS 217
4.11.2 Definition Of Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome 218
4.11.3 Placebo Effect 220
4.12 Managing Hypoxia And Hypercapnia 222
4.12.1 Mountaineering Use of Supplemental Oxygen 223
4.13 Yoga and Breathing 225
4.14 Cardiac Stress Testing 226
4.15 Exercise as a Drug – Pharmacological Benefits Of Exercise 227
4.16 Medical Use of Oxygen 228
4.17 Hypoxia 229
4.18 Muscle fatigue 230
4.19 World Economy 231
5. Consumer Oxygen Company Profiles 232
5.1 Boost Oxygen 232
5.2 Chart Industries 236
5.2.1 Chart Caire / AirSep / Sequal 236
5.2.2 Chart Industries 237
5.2.3 Chart Industries Revenue 238
5.2.4 Chart Industries Respiratory Sales 239
5.2.5 Chart Industries / AirSep 240
5.3 Drive Medical / DeVilbiss Healthcare 241
5.3.1 Drive Medical Product Line 242
5.3.2 DeVilbiss Healthcare Moves Production Back to the USA 242
5.4 Foshan Keyhub Electronic Industries Co., Ltd. 243
5.5 Inogen 248
5.5.1 Inogen One G3 Versatile Portable Oxygen Concentrator 249
5.5.2 Inogen Is Reliable, Trusted, And Proven 251
5.5.3 Inogen Expands Manufacturing Capacity to Accommodate Growth 253
5.6 Jiuxin Medical 253
5.6.1 Jiuxin Medical Jogger Portable Ventilator 254
5.6.2 Jiuxin Medical ICU Ventilator Detachable 10.4″TFT Color Screen 255
5.7 Leistung Engineering 256
5.7.1 Leistung Key Strategy 257
5.8 Live O2 Oxygen 257
5.9 Longfian Scitech 260
5.9.1 Longfian Scitech JAY-20 Industry Oxygen 261
5.9.2 Longfian Scitech JAY-20 Industry Oxygen 261
5.10 NTK 262
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