The creator of Torino, an exciting and suspenseful drama that delves into the dark areas of the human heart, has launched an IndieGoGo campaign to raise funds for post-production costs such as editing, music and distribution. The producer hopes to submit the film to several important independent film festivals and to create sequels based on audience demand. The film was finished in November 2015 and is awaiting funds for necessary tasks to make it ready for marketing.
Torino is set in Chaska, Minnesota, and tells the story of a bank robbery that went terribly wrong, landing two men in prison for life. A police officer involved in the case, however, sees Nicky, the culprit, as a young, scared man who is good at heart and begins efforts to free him. When Lawrence Church, crime boss, suspects a rat, he sends two men to pose as officers and learn the truth. The outcome is unexpected and riveting, making this an incredible film for those who love suspense, adventure and great stories of human nature.
As seen at, pledge levels range from $5 to $3,000, with perks including action figurines and posters to executive producer credit for the movie. All funds collected will be used to pay for sound editing, music licensing, color grading, visual graphics creation, festival submission fees and expenses related to copying and distributing the movie as well as marketing. The producer hopes to submit the film to a number of festivals, including the Minneapolis St. Paul International Film Festival, the Sundance Film Festival, and the Chicago International Film Festival. For more information on donations and perks, see the IndieGoGo page.
About Torino:
Tornio is an original film about two men who commit a bank robbery and the lives this event impacts. Now, the creator of Torino has launched an IndieGoGo campaign to raise money for post-production, distribution and marketing costs.
Media Contact
Company Name: Torino
Contact Person: Daniel Howard
Phone: 6122907387
City: Savage
State: Minnesota
Country: United States