Intuitive Medium Deborah Livingston sheds light upon a confusing subject for many, how Psychics and Mediums “do what they do”. As a professional psychic, medium, author, and spiritual teacher, Livingston offers a first-hand description of being “Born This Way”:
Mediums as well as myself, are asked all the time by clients, family, and friends, “When did you realize you are this way? You are so lucky to have this gift.” What people refer to as the gift of Mediumship is the ability to communicate with the energy of spirit world. The spirit world is where our loved ones who have passed and left our physical bodies. They also ask how it is possible to read psychically.
The actual difference is psychics receive information about events and people from the energy of a person’s spirit energy in human form, place, animal or thing. A psychic can “read a person’s energy” and may perceive the past, present, or future events in that person’s life. A medium communicates directly with the energy spirits. The bottom line is we are all born this way. These natural gifts are the ways our soul and the spirit world constantly tries to speak to us, and it’s as much your birthright as anybody else’s.
All of us are born with the natural state of love, peace, and psychic/medium abilities. Most refer to this state as gifts. People think these powers are gifts and they are but it’s because many don’t remember their gifts that they reference these abilities as gifts. The truth is the gifts of psychic mediumship are available to us all.
We just tend to lose our psychic abilities as we grow if we are don’t teach how to properly deal with our psychic and or medium potentials. Not all will maintain both powers. There is a saying. All mediums are psychic, but not all psychics are mediums. This saying has been developed because the connections to the energies of spirit are in two different places. As humans, our spirit is here on the earth world and when we pass our soul is in the spirit world. Most lose too ability of both psychic and mediumship because they are no longer available.
The availability of one’s spirit energy to others is what is veiled over time after being born. As the consciousness of the minds of babies and children develop so does the natural state of viewing life from a full eye of peace, love, and light. Infants and children are innocent, and unlike adults, babies do not doubt, question, or deny, what they see, feel and hear. They have not yet been conditioned to ignore their intuition, availability to spirit energy, be logical, and believe what can be proven. The availability of the heart and soul of spirit energy of those here and hereafter becomes veiled due to society beliefs and parenting and educational conditioning.
Babies aren’t afraid of seeing angels and spirit because children understand that angels are loving and kind, whereas adults are tainted by the society. They believe that invisible beings are something to be afraid, often due to what they have seen in movies and or read. Most parents, think children just have an overly creative imagination, dismissing the idea that their child sees something real. It is for this reason that children stop believing what they see because they learn that what they see is not real. Children then start to shut off their psychic/mediumship powers, and because of this, they eventually lose it as they grow into adults. Albert Einstein once said “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.” This is very true.
The natural state of love, peace and psychic/mediumship born into babies remains open in a select few and are known as psychics and psychic mediums. Intuition stays in all. Intuition is the little whisper that resides in the core of eternal spirits here and hereafter. It is the wisdom of our soul. We use it to navigate through life. The natural gifts of psychic and mediumship can open up as adults. Psychic and Psychic Mediumship are like muscles. The more you exercise them, the stronger they become.
We can open up and unfold our spirit to become closer and available to communicate with spirits and become sensitive to the energy of humans. The pre-requisite used it to unveil natural gifts is change how we think and see the world and ourselves. The barriers of conditioning to not believe is relinquished by many once they let go of fear and become open minded. Everything we want is on the other side of fear. Once we master unlocking the door of fear, old mind conditioning, and attachments and walk through to the other hand our natural born gifts in gifts are remembered. They are full of cobwebs but none the less ready to embrace. Albert Einstein said “I believe in intuitions and inspirations. I sometimes think I am right, but I don’t know if I’m right.” This idea means we need to trust intuitive feelings, psychic abilities and messages we are getting from spirit.
At some point in our life’s journey, we may decide to re-learn how to recognize our natural state of intuition or mediumistic abilities or both. It can break open how we live life and maybe even become a beacon to help others see the light in their life. We are all born this way, and it is a choice to either utilize the born in the natural state or not. Most believe this is no way true, but it is true. When society we ask, have you ever said to yourself my gut is telling me, most will have the answer yes? This IS their intuition.
Intuition is the language and navigator of each soul in this society. Intuition is the journey to the eternal wisdom within. Intuition is the sense of our inner knowing. It’s one of the greatest gifts we possess. Our natural psyche allows us to become connected to our higher selves. Intuition is speaking to us always, but most of the time we don’t listen. Eileen Caddy’s words are: “Intuition is actually speaking to us always, but most of the time we don’t listen.” We can hear our powers if we listen because we are born this way. We can hear our powers if we listen because we are born this way.
As seen on ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC and WBZ news and featured on the cover of OM Times Magazine, Deborah Livingston is an award winning, International Psychic Medium, Animal Communicator, Author of Strand of Pearls, Mentor and a Shaman. Deborah has been attending the Arthur Findlay College in England annually where she takes mediumship course and is a member of the Spiritualist National Union. Deborah is a member of Shay Parker’s Best American Psychics, listed on Bob Olson’s best psychic medium directory and also chose as one of the Top Psychics in Boston by Jack Rourke, one of the most prominent professional psychics in North America. Deborah’s services are private and small or large group readings, large venue galleries, workshops, fundraising and speaking.
Contact info:
Intuitive Psychic Medium Deborah Livingston
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Company Name: Intuitive Psychic Medium Deborah Livingston
Contact Person: Deborah Livingston
Phone: 617-817-0721
Country: United States